Week etymology


English word week comes from Proto-Germanic *wikkōną (To practice sorcery.), Proto-Indo-European *weyk-, Proto-Indo-European *weik-

Etymology of week

Detailed word origin of week

Dictionary entry Language Definition
*wikkōną Proto-Germanic (gem-pro) To practice sorcery.
*weyk- Proto-Indo-European (ine) to overcome
*weik- Proto-Indo-European (ine) separate, divide, bend, wind, to bend, wind, soft, pliable; to avoid, to bend, wind, turn, yield, to consecrate, hallow, make holy
*wikkô Proto-Germanic (gem-pro) A (male) witch; warlock; magician; sorcerer; wizard; spellcaster.
wicca Old English (ang) Wizard, sorcerer, magician, druid, necromancer.
*wikǭ Proto-Germanic (gem-pro) Sequence. Week.
wucu Old English (ang) Week.
wicke Middle English (enm)
week English (en) A period of five days beginning with Monday.. A period of seven days beginning with Sunday or Monday.. A subdivision of the month into longer periods of work days punctuated by shorter weekend periods of days for markets, rest, or religious observation such as a sabbath.. Any period of seven consecutive days.. Seven days after (sometimes before) a specified date.

Words with the same origin as week

Descendants of *wikkōną

wick wicked witch