Search results for weave

We have found multiple words weave. Choose the one you are looking for and click on the link in its Dictionary entry column to see its detailed etymology.

Dictionary entry Language Definition
weave English (Noun Verb) A type or way of weaving.. Human or artificial hair worn to alter one's appearance, either to supplement or to cover the natural hair. To compose creatively and intricately; to fabricate.. To [...]A type or way of weaving.. Human or artificial hair worn to alter one's appearance, either to supplement or to cover the natural hair. To compose creatively and intricately; to fabricate.. To [...]
weave English (Verb) (intransitive) To move by turning and twisting.. (transitive) To make (a path or way) by winding in and out or from side to side.(intransitive) To move by turning and twisting.. (transitive) To make (a path or way) by winding in and out or from side to side.

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