Resentment etymology


English word resentment comes from French sentir, Old French re- (Re- (again; once more).), Old French sentir (To feel (have a feeling). To smell.), German Ressentiment (Resentment.)

Detailed word origin of resentment

Dictionary entry Language Definition
sentir French (fr) (intransitive) to smell (to have a certain odor). (reflexive) to feel (in oneself). (reflexive) to show, be felt (of effect, improvement etc.). (transitive) to feel (physical perception). (transitive) to feel, be aware of, be conscious of. (transitive) to have the character, manner, feeling or appearance of; to give a feeling of. (transitive) to smell of, taste of. (transitive) to taste. [...]
re- Old French (fro) Re- (again; once more).
sentir Old French (fro) To feel (have a feeling). To smell.
Ressentiment German (de) Resentment.
resentir Old French (fro) To smell (detect an odor).
ressentir French (fr) (reflexive, ~ de) to suffer from the effects of. (transitive) to feel.
ressentiment French (fr) Ressentiment, resentment.
resentment English (en) (obsolete) The state of holding something in the mind as a subject of contemplation, or of being inclined to reflect upon it; feeling; impression.. (obsolete) satisfaction; gratitude. A feeling of anger or displeasure stemming from belief that one has been wronged by others or betrayed; indignation.

Words with the same origin as resentment

Descendants of sentir
