Participate etymology


English word participate comes from Latin capio (I capture, seize, take. I take in, understand. I take on.), Proto-Italic *partis (Part.), English take, English part, Proto-Italic - kaps

Etymology of participate

Detailed word origin of participate

Dictionary entry Language Definition
capio Latin (lat) I capture, seize, take. I take in, understand. I take on.
*partis Proto-Italic (itc-pro) Part.
take English (en) (film) A scene recorded (filmed) at one time, without an interruption or break; a recording of such a scene.. (medicine) An instance of successful inoculation/vaccination.. (music) A recording of a musical performance made during an uninterrupted single recording period.. (printing) The quantity of copy given to a compositor at one time.. (rugby, cricket) A catch of the ball (in cricket, [...]
part English (en) Partly; partially; fractionally. (intransitive) To be divided in two or separated; shed.. (intransitive) To leave someone's company; (rare, poetic, literary) to go way; to die; to get rid of something, stop using it.. (obsolete) To have a part or share; to partake.. (obsolete) To hold apart; to stand or intervene between.. (transitive) To divide in two.. (transitive, archaic) To leave; to [...]
- kaps Proto-Italic (itc-pro)
partim Latin (lat) (transferred senses) :. Literally. Partly, in part, a part, some of, some.
*partikaps Proto-Italic (itc-pro) Sharing.
particeps Latin (lat) Sharing.
participo Latin (lat) I impart. I partake of. I participate in. I share.
participate English (en) (obsolete) Acting in common; participating. (intransitive) To join in, to take part, to involve oneself (in something). [from 16th c.]. (obsolete) To share (something) with others; to transfer (something) to or unto others. [16th-18th c.]. (obsolete, transitive) To share, share in (something). [16th-19th c.].

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