Parallel etymology


English word parallel comes from Ancient Greek παρά, English παρά, English ἄλληλος, Ancient Greek ἄλληλος

Etymology of parallel

Detailed word origin of parallel

Dictionary entry Language Definition
παρά Ancient Greek (grc)
παρά English (en)
ἄλληλος English (en)
ἄλληλος Ancient Greek (grc)
παράλληλος Ancient Greek (grc)
parallèle Middle French (frm)
parallel English (en) Of a path etc: To be parallel to something else.. Of a process etc: To be analogous to something else.. To compare or liken something to something else.. To construct or place something parallel to something else.. To equal; to match; to correspond to.. To make to conform to something else in character, motive, aim, etc.. To produce or adduce as a parallel. With a parallel relationship. [...]

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