Lab etymology


English word lab comes from Latin laboro, Latin laboratus, English -atory, and later Latin laborator ((Medieval Latin, agriculture) plowman, tiller of the soil.)

Etymology of lab

Detailed word origin of lab

Dictionary entry Language Definition
laboro Latin (lat) (transitive) I produce. I am imperiled. I endeavor, strive. I suffer, am oppressed, am afflicted with. I toil, labor.
laboratus Latin (lat)
-atory English (en) Forms adjectives of, relating to, or connected with the thing specified. Forms nouns that represent things or places where a specified activity takes place.
laborator Latin (lat) (Medieval Latin, agriculture) plowman, tiller of the soil.
labotatorius Latin (lat)
laboratorium Latin (lat) Laboratory.
laboratory English (en) A place where chemicals, drugs or microbes are prepared or manufactured.. A room, building or institution equipped for scientific research, experimentation or analysis.
lab English (en) (colloquial) A Labrador retriever.. (colloquial) A laboratory.. (colloquial, chiefly in the plural) Laboratory experiment, test, investigation or result. (obsolete) A telltale; a blabber.

Words with the same origin as lab

Descendants of laboro

elaborate labor laboratory labour

Descendants of -atory
