Government etymology


English word government comes from Old French (842-ca. 1400) governer (To govern. To guide; to steer.), Old French (842-ca. 1400) -ment

Detailed word origin of government

Dictionary entry Language Definition
governer Old French (842-ca. 1400) (fro) To govern. To guide; to steer.
-ment Old French (842-ca. 1400) (fro) Used to form nouns from verbs, usually of action or state resulting of them. Equivalent to the English -ment. Used to form adverbs, most of the time equivalent to the English -wise, -ly.
governement Old French (842-ca. 1400) (fro) Government.
governement Middle English (1100-1500) (enm)
government English (en) (grammar, linguistics) The relationship between a word and its dependents. (uncountable) The management or control of a system.. A group of people who hold a monopoly on the legitimate use of force in a given territory.. The body with the power to make and/or enforce laws to control a country, land area, people or organization.. The state and its administration viewed as the ruling political [...]

Words with the same origin as government

Descendants of governer
