Govern etymology


English word govern comes from Ancient Greek κυβερνάω, and later Latin guberno (To govern, manage. To pilot, steer a ship.)

Etymology of govern

Detailed word origin of govern

Dictionary entry Language Definition
κυβερνάω Ancient Greek (grc)
guberno Latin (lat) To govern, manage. To pilot, steer a ship.
governer Old French (fro) To govern. To guide; to steer.
govern English (en) (intransitive) To exercise political authority; to run a government.. (intransitive) To have or exercise a determining influence.. (transitive) To control the actions or behavior of; to keep under control; to restrain.. (transitive) To control the speed, flow etc. of; to regulate.. (transitive) To exercise a deciding or determining influence on.. (transitive) To make and administer the [...]

Words with the same origin as govern

Descendants of κυβερνάω

government governor