Fluid etymology


English word fluid comes from Proto-Indo-European *bʰleh₁-, and later Proto-Italic *flowō (Flow.)

Etymology of fluid

Detailed word origin of fluid

Dictionary entry Language Definition
*bʰleh₁- Proto-Indo-European (ine)
*bʰley- Proto-Indo-European (ine)
*flowō Proto-Italic (itc-pro) Flow.
fluo Latin (lat) I am soaked in. I flow, stream, pour.
fluidus Latin (lat) Liquid, fluid, flowing. Soft, feeble, moist.
fluid Middle English (enm)
fluid English (en) Any substance which can flow with relative ease, tends to assume the shape of its container, and obeys Bernoulli's principle; a liquid, gas or plasma. (not comparable) Of or relating to fluid.. (of an asset) Convertible into cash.. (rare) Genderfluid.. In a state of flux; subject to change.. Moving smoothly, or giving the impression of a liquid in motion.

Words with the same origin as fluid

Descendants of *bʰleh₁-

blowjob blue inflation influence