Dictator etymology


English word dictator comes from Proto-Indo-European *deyḱ-, Proto-Indo-European *deyḱ-e-, and later Proto-Indo-European *déyḱti (To be pointing out.)

Detailed word origin of dictator

Dictionary entry Language Definition
*deyḱ- Proto-Indo-European (ine) to show, point out, to point out
*deyḱ-e- Proto-Indo-European (ine) to show, point out
*déyḱti Proto-Indo-European (ine) To be pointing out.
*dḗyḱst Proto-Indo-European (ine) To point out.
*deikō Proto-Italic (itc-pro) Say.
dico Latin (lat) (legal, followed by ad) I plead (before).. I affirm, assert (positively).. I appoint, name (to an office).. I call, name.. I declare, state.. I say, utter; mention; talk, speak.. I speak in reference to, refer to.. I tell.
dictatura Latin (lat) Dictatorship, office of a dictator.
dictator English (en) A person who dictates text (e.g. letters to a clerk). A ruler or Führer, the highest level of authority.. A totalitarian leader of a country, nation, or government. A tyrannical boss, or authority figure. Originally, a magistrate without colleague in republican ancient Rome, who held full executive authority for a term granted by the senate (legislature), typically to conduct a war.

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