Declare etymology


English word declare comes from Latin clarus (Clear, bright. Renowned, famous. Upstanding, respected.), Latin de- (De-.), Latin claro

Detailed word origin of declare

Dictionary entry Language Definition
clarus Latin (lat) Clear, bright. Renowned, famous. Upstanding, respected.
de- Latin (lat) De-.
claro Latin (lat) I brighten, lighten or illuminate. I clarify (make clear, explain).
declaro Latin (lat) I declare or announce. I indicate, reveal or testify. I show or prove.
declarer Old French (fro)
declare English (en) (intransitive) To make a declaration.. (intransitive, cricket) For the captain of the batting side to announce the innings complete even though all batsmen have not been dismissed.. (intransitive, politics) For a constituency in an election to officially announce the result. (obsolete, transitive) To make clear, explain, interpret.. (transitive) To affirm or state something emphatically.. [...]

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