Clarity etymology


English word clarity comes from Proto-Indo-European *kelh₁-, Latin -ius, and later Latin claritas (Clarity, brightness. Fame.)

Detailed word origin of clarity

Dictionary entry Language Definition
*kelh₁- Proto-Indo-European (ine)
-ius Latin (lat) Genitive suffix for some irregular pronouns. Forming adjectives from nouns.
*klāros Proto-Italic (itc-pro)
clara Latin (lat)
clair French (fr) (of a color) light (having a light shade, not dark). Clear (see-through). Clear (understandable) Clearly Light.
claritas Latin (lat) Clarity, brightness. Fame.
clarté Old French (fro) Clarity; clearness.
claritee Middle English (enm)
clarity English (en) The state or measure of being clear, either in appearance, thought or style; lucidity.

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