Database etymology


English word database comes from English base, English data

Etymology of database

Detailed word origin of database

Dictionary entry Language Definition
base English (en) (archaic) Of low social standing or rank; vulgar, common.. (legal) Not held by honourable service.. (now, rare) Inferior; unworthy, of poor quality.. (obsolete) Low in height; short.. (obsolete) Of illegitimate birth; bastard.. (obsolete) Of low value or degree.. Alloyed with inferior metal; debased.. Designating those metals which are not classed as precious or noble.. Low in place or [...]
data English (en) (computing) A representation of facts or ideas in a formalized manner capable of being communicated or manipulated by some process.. (uncountable, collectively) Information, especially in a scientific or computational context, or with the implication that it is organized.. (uncountable, collectively) Recorded observations that are usually presented in a structured format.
database English (en) To enter data into a database (computing) A collection of (usually) organized information in a regular structure, usually but not necessarily in a machine-readable format accessible by a computer.. (computing) A combination of (1) and (2).. (computing) A set of tables in a database(1).. (computing) A software program for storing, retrieving and manipulating a database(1).

Words with the same origin as database

Descendants of base

basic basically