Convict etymology


English word convict comes from Latin vincere, Latin con-, Latin vixi, and later Latin convinco (I conquer, establish.. I convict, find guilty.. I convince.)

Etymology of convict

Detailed word origin of convict

Dictionary entry Language Definition
vincere Latin (lat)
con- Latin (lat) Used in compounds to indicate a being or bringing together of several objects. Used in compounds to indicate the completeness, perfecting of any act, and thus gives intensity to the signification of the simple word.
vixi Latin (lat)
învinge Romanian (ron) (transitive) to beat, defeat, vanquish. (transitive) to win (against an opponent).
convivere Latin (lat)
convinco Latin (lat) I conquer, establish.. I convict, find guilty.. I convince.
convictus Latin (lat)
convicter Anglo-Norman (xno)
convict English (en) (legal) A person convicted of a crime by a judicial body.. A common name for the sheepshead (Archosargus probatocephalus), owing to its black and stripes.. A person deported to a penal colony. (transitive) To find guilty. As a result of legal proceedings, about of a crime. Informally, notably in a moral sense; said about both perpetrator and act.

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