Continuum etymology


English word continuum comes from Latin teneo, Latin con-

Etymology of continuum

Detailed word origin of continuum

Dictionary entry Language Definition
teneo Latin (lat) (of laws) I am binding on; bind, hold, obligate. (reflexive) I keep back, remain, stay, hold position. I comprise, contain, include, hold. I hold fast, restrain, detain, check, control; bind, fetter. I hold, have; grasp. I insist, uphold. I know, grasp, understand, conceive. I possess, occupy, control. I reach, attain; gain, acquire, obtain. I recollect, retain knowledge of, remember, bear [...]
con- Latin (lat) Used in compounds to indicate a being or bringing together of several objects. Used in compounds to indicate the completeness, perfecting of any act, and thus gives intensity to the signification of the simple word.
contineo Latin (lat) (of places) I enclose, bound, limit; comprise.. I check, curb, stop, tame, subdue.. I comprise, involve, contain.. I detain, restrain, repress, enclose.. I hold or keep together/close, surround, contain; connect.
continuus Latin (lat) (temporal) straight, in a row, whole (Biennio continuo post adeptum imperium... For two whole years after assuming power...). Continuous, uninterrupted, successive.
continuum Latin (lat)
continuum English (en) (mathematics) The set of all real numbers and, more generally, a compact connected metric space.. (musical instruments) A touch-sensitive strip, similar to an electronic standard musical keyboard, except that the note steps are 1⁄100 of a semitone, and so are not separately marked.. A continuous extent.. A continuous series or whole, no part of which is noticeably different from its adjacent [...]