Sustituir (to replace) conjugation

90 examples

Conjugation of sustituir

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I replace
you replace
he/she/it replaces
we replace
you all replace
they replace
Present perfect tense
he sustituido
I have replaced
has sustituido
you have replaced
ha sustituido
he/she/it has replaced
hemos sustituido
we have replaced
habéis sustituido
you all have replaced
han sustituido
they have replaced
Past preterite tense
I replaced
you replaced
he/she/it replaced
we replaced
you all replaced
they replaced
Future tense
I will replace
you will replace
he/she/it will replace
we will replace
you all will replace
they will replace
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would replace
you would replace
he/she/it would replace
we would replace
you all would replace
they would replace
Past imperfect tense
I used to replace
you used to replace
he/she/it used to replace
we used to replace
you all used to replace
they used to replace
Past perfect tense
había sustituido
I had replaced
habías sustituido
you had replaced
había sustituido
he/she/it had replaced
habíamos sustituido
we had replaced
habíais sustituido
you all had replaced
habían sustituido
they had replaced
Future perfect tense
habré sustituido
I will have replaced
habrás sustituido
you will have replaced
habrá sustituido
he/she/it will have replaced
habremos sustituido
we will have replaced
habréis sustituido
you all will have replaced
habrán sustituido
they will have replaced
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I replace
(if/so that) you replace
(if/so that) he/she/it replace
(if/so that) we replace
(if/so that) you all replace
(if/so that) they replace
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya sustituido
I have replaced
hayas sustituido
you have replaced
haya sustituido
he/she/it has replaced
hayamos sustituido
we have replaced
hayáis sustituido
you all have replaced
hayan sustituido
they have replaced
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have replaced
(if/so that) you have replaced
(if/so that) he/she/it have replaced
(if/so that) we have replaced
(if/so that) you all have replaced
(if/so that) they have replaced
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have replaced
(if/so that) you have replaced
(if/so that) he/she/it have replaced
(if/so that) we have replaced
(if/so that) you all have replaced
(if/so that) they have replaced
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera sustituido
I had replaced
hubieras sustituido
you had replaced
hubiera sustituido
he/she/it had replaced
hubiéramos sustituido
we had replaced
hubierais sustituido
you all had replaced
hubieran sustituido
they had replaced
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese sustituido
I had replaced
hubieses sustituido
you had replaced
hubiese sustituido
he/she/it had replaced
hubiésemos sustituido
we had replaced
hubieseis sustituido
you all had replaced
hubiesen sustituido
they had replaced
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have replaced
(if/so that) you will have replaced
(if/so that) he/she/it will have replaced
(if/so that) we will have replaced
(if/so that) you all will have replaced
(if/so that) they will have replaced
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere sustituido
I will have replaced
hubieres sustituido
you will have replaced
hubiere sustituido
he/she/it will have replaced
hubiéremos sustituido
we will have replaced
hubiereis sustituido
you all will have replaced
hubieren sustituido
they will have replaced
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's replace!
Imperative negative mood
no sustituyas
do not replace!
no sustituya
let him/her/it replace!
no sustituyamos
let us not replace!
no sustituyáis
do not replace!
no sustituyan
do not replace!

Examples of sustituir

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
- Difícil de sustituir. ¿En serio?- Difficult to replace? Really?
- Me reconocerá. - Alguien debe sustituir a Agnès.Someone else has to replace you.
- Recuérdame sustituir este.- Remind me to replace these.
- Si usted le quiere sustituir... - No.- So, you want to replace him...
- Ya. Así que ahora debemos sustituir Granjeros Discapacitados por algún otro.So now we need to replace Disabled Farmer with somebody else.
- Yo le sustituyo aquí.- But I will gladly replace you!
El éxito de la apelación es visto como una victoria personal... para la polémica abogada Emma Watts, que sustituyo al equipo legal que represento a Lane... en el primer juicio.The successful appeal is being seen as a personal victory for controversial barrister Emma Watts, who replaced the legal team that represented Lane at the original trial.
Me acaban de ascender y el sheriff al que sustituyo se jubiló después de 30 años así que tengo que estar a la altura de las circunstancias.I just got this promotion And the sheriff I replaced retired after 30 years. So, I got big shoes to fill.
Megatron trataron de extinguir mi chispa a sangre fría desde entonces me sustituyo con esa miserable traidora airachnid.Megatron tried to extinguish my spark in cold blood Then all but replaced me With that traitorous wretch airachnid.
Nerys, si le quito el resto del cerebro y lo sustituyo por una máquina puede que se parezca a Bareil y que incluso hable como él pero no será Bareil.Nerys... If I remove the rest of his brain and replace it with a machine he may look like Bareil, he may even talk like Bareil but he won't be Bareil.
- Tú le sustituyes.You replace him now.
Dicen que sustituyes cada molécula de tu cuerpo cada siete años.They say you replace every molecule in your body every seven years.
Sí, la gente esconde pequeños regalos geniales en ellos. Y cuando lo encuentras, te lo llevas. Y lo sustituyes con algo tuyo.Yeah, people hide cool little presents in it and then you find it, take it and replace it with something of your own.
tienes multitud de temores y esta multiplicidad de miedos te confunde, simplemente no entiendes cuál es el sentido de esta confusión y sustituyes esta multitud confusa por una figura clara, el judío, y todo queda claro.You have a multitude of fears - and this multiplicity of fears confuses you - Like you simply don't know - what's the meaning of all this confusion. And you replace this confused multitude - with one clear figure:
¿Por qué no me sustituyes con ella?Why don't you replace me with her?
- Un tipo que cree que algo de encanto sustituye a la integridad y a la responsabilidad, nos ha arruinado el día.Well, there's this guy, who obviously thinks that a minor amount of charm replaces integrity and commitment, has not only ruined my day but Sammy's as well.
A mí no me sustituye nadie.Nobody replaces me!
Como dice el dicho, una generación sustituye a la anteriorAs the saying goes, one generation replaces the other
Cuando la noche sustituye al tiempo, todos los horizontes del mundo se convierten en nuestra memoria.When age replaces time, the world's horizons become our memory.
Cuando los suelos se erosionan, una vegetación intensa sustituye todos los nosks con nosks similares."When the soil peels, intense vegetation..." "replaces all nosks with similar nosks."
Bueno, detuvimos las fundiciones y sustituimos los componentes dañados.Well, we stopped the melting and replaced the damaged components.
En 2013 remodelamos el exterior. Dentro sustituimos los ascensores, redecoramos el auditorio la biblioteca, los salones y modernizamos los sistemas.In 2013, we completed exterior repairs, and inside, we replaced the elevators... refurbished the auditorium, the library and lounge area...
Estarás feliz de saber que sustituimos la cañería y calibramos el combustible de varios'll be happy to know that we've replaced the tubing. we calibrated a few of the servomechanisms.
Lo mismo pasará si sustituimos a Peter con otro chelista.That's also true if we replace Peter with another cellist.
Los presionamos para que recabaran información de los detenidos... pero luego obviamos las reglas con las que entrenamos a nuestros soldados... y las sustituimos por un conjunto de normas cambiantes y confusas.The push to raise information from detainees ... pero luego obviamos las reglas con las we train our soldiers ... and replaced by a set changing rules and confusing.
¿La sustituís por la audacia?Does it replace for boldness?
- Los sustituyen después de cada huésped. - ¿Lo hacen?They replace these after each guest. Do they?
A diferencia de los seres humanos, que sustituyen sus emociones con machismo y gruñidos sin sentido, ¡podemos mostrar nuestros sentimientos en toda su cruda gloria!Unlike human males who replace their emotions with machismo and meaningless grunts, we can actually show our feelings in all their raw glory!
A los 2 días sustituyen al tío.After 2 days, the guy was replaced.
Beben tu sangre y la sustituyen con la suya.They drink your blood and replace it with their own.
Dice que si sustituyen a Marilyn, el tiene que dar su visto bueno. De no ser así, no hara la película.It says, if Marilyn is replaced, he needs approval of the star otherwise he's not gonna do the picture.
En realidad, las sustituí.Actually, I replaced them.
Es por eso que la tapicería fue lo primero que sustituí.That's why the upholstery was the first thing I replaced.
Ese es el nombre que sustituí por el nuestro.That's the name I replaced ours with.
Había otra profesora. La que sustituí.There was another teacher, the one I replaced.
La mujer a la que sustituí, desaparecióThe woman l replaced vanished without a trace.
Es el Padre Jack, el hombre que sustituiste.That's Father Jack, the fellow you replaced.
Fuiste abajo y sustituiste su cocaína por morfina porque sabías que era una criatura de hábitos.You snuck downstairs. You replaced his cocaine with morphine, because you knew he was a creature of habit.
Sé que me sustituiste.I know you replaced me.
¿Cuál es la función del centauro que conocí de niño y que tú, centauro nuevo, sustituiste sin hacerlo desaparecer?What's the purpose of the old centaur l knew as a child ? The one that you, new centaur, replaced without banishing.
¿Cuándo fue la última vez que sustituiste los pistones?When's the last time you replaced them pistons?
- ¿Quién sustituyó a Peter Gabriel como vocalista de Genesis en 1975?~ Who replaced Peter Gabriel as the lead vocalist of Genesis in 1975?
- ¿Quién te sustituyó?- Who replaced you?
- ¿Sabía usted que, tratando de reducir costes, Shirley dejó de usar tofu y lo sustituyó por un sucedáneo americano llamado "carne-fu"?- Are you aware that, in order to save money, Shirley stopped using real tofu and replaced it with a midwestern tofu substitute called "meatfu"?
Además, Drewett sustituyó todo.Besides, Drewett replaced everything.
Alguien sustituyó los cristales de las ventanas por el irrompible Plexiglás.Somebody replaced every single windowpane in this house with unbreakable Plexiglas.
Diseñó el sistema antiguo, el que sustituyeron por RIPLEY.He designed the old system, the one that they replaced with RIPLEY.
El vigilante al que sustituyeron­.He's the security guard l replaced.
En 1927, se le añadieron franjas largas y estrechas y luego se sustituyeron por franjas irregulares, en 1947.In 1927, long narrow bands were added and then replaced by uneven bands in 1947.
George Foster, y lo sustituyeron por Mookie Wilson tras dos temporadas.George Foster, and he was replaced by Mookie Wilson after two seasons.
La última vez que le hiciste caso a tus instintos, te sustituyeron los miembros."The last time you listened to your gut about a guy, you had your limbs replaced.
Más tarde lo sustituiré.I will replace him later.
Como recompensa por haber traído a Sinibaldi a la justicia... Tú lo sustituirás como Tesorero Papal.As a reward for having brought Sinibaldi to justice, cardinal Farnese, you will replace the bishop as Papal Treasurer.
- ¿Quién la sustituirá?- Who will replace you?
- ¿Y quién sustituirá a Alloni?So who will replace Alloni?
Camille lo sustituirá por "El joven jacobino".Desmoulins will replace it with another.
ESCUELA GREEN HILL Monsieur Gattard dará segundo y tercer año de francés los jueves y sustituirá la clase de ciencias del doctor Spitzer que pasará a los viernes por la tarde.Monsieur Gattard will continue with... second and third form French on Thursdays... which will replace Dr. Spitzer's science section... moved up to Friday afternoon.
El general Nelson Miles me sustituirá.General Nelson Miles will replace me.
Están sugiriendo que sustituirán al decano actual conmigo.They're suggesting that they will replace the present dean with me.
Las comunidades suburbanas sustituirán el individualismo con el miedo y el conformismo.Levittown-type housing communities will replace individualism with fear and conformity.
Ya sabes, creo que algún día los ordenadores sustituirán a las revistas y a los periódicos en conjunto.You know, I think someday that computers will replace magazines and newspapers altogether.
Espere un segundo, ¿quién me sustituiría?Wait a second, who would replace me?
- encuentra quien le sustituya...- if he finds a replacement.
- Lo siento. Pero se me ha pedido a le sustituya, Rebecca.But I have been asked to replace you, rebecca.
- Te estoy protegiendo, Joe... no sabes cómo me presionan para que te sustituya por un oficial de más rango.I'm protecting you. I'm under pressure to replace you with a more senior officer.
Aldermack, sabemos que quieres que tu hija te sustituya,- Aldermack, we know you want your daughter to replace you,
Arturo le sustituya.Arthur will replace him.
- Necesito que sustituyas a Chloe.- I need you to replace Chloe for me.
-Hasta que me sustituyas, sí.Until you agree to replace me, you are.
Lo que se dice, es que quieren que sustituyas a Donovan.Word is out, they want you to replace donovan.
No sustituyas canciones por escenas.You don't replace songs with scenes.
No te pido que sustituyas a Matthias porque eso es imposible.I don't ask you to replace Matthias. Because... it's not possible.
- Sí. - ¿Quiere que le sustituyamos?-Yes. -You want to replace it?
Doctora Grey, ¿necesita que la sustituyamos?Dr. Grey, do you need to be replaced?
Hemos traído un mando interino hasta que sustituyamos al coronel Hart.We brought in an interim officer until we can... ...appointapermanentreplacement for Colonel Hart.
- Llama para que le sustituyan.- Call Zandri and replace him.
- Que os hayáis comprometido, con Pelant activo, no va a aceptar que le sustituyan.- The two of you getting engaged, with Pelant active, he can't accept being replaced.
- ¿Quieres que te sustituyan?-Do you want to be replaced?
Ahora estamos en el proceso de habilitación de los candidatos adecuados para que lo sustituyan, pero hasta que encontremos a alguien, tendrá el mando provisional.We're now in the process of vetting suitable candidates to replace him, but until we find someone, you'll have provisional command.
Bien, ¿presentas una queja oficial y que la sustituyan con uno de los tuyos?Well, can't you just make an official complaint and have her replaced with someone you own?
"Eliana-2 fue sustituido en el cargo -."Eliana-2, was replaced in office.
"Lo que más temen los medios de comunicación es ver al hombrecito de la pequeña pantalla sustituido por una multitud, por el público..."What the media are particularly afraid of, is to see the man in the little rectangle replaced by a multitude of people, by the public....
- Bueno Randy, lo han sustituido.Well, the thing is, Randy, you've been- replaced. What?
- Estoy así de cerca de ser sustituido por una ATM.- I'm this close to being replaced with an ATM.
- He perdido el trabajo - Me han sustituidoYou replaced me.
Arnaud, desempleado, entusiasta del polo, sucederá a André, sustituyendo a Alban, tristememnte soltero cuando la tragedia golpeó.Arnaud, unemployed, polo enthusiast, will succeed André, replacing Alban, sad Iy unwed when tragedy struck.
Booker, ¿conociste a Sanders el agente de la CIA al que estoy sustituyendo?Booker, did you know Sanders, the CIA SOG guy I'm replacing?
Brainiac está sustituyendo tus recuerdos con datos kryptonianos.Brainiac is replacing your memories with Kryptonian data.
Cambiaste mi contrato, haces que use este traje de mono y estás sustituyendo todo mi equipoYou changed my sign, you make me wear this monkey suit, and you're replacing all my equipment.
Dahlgren juega en la primera base por Nueva York sustituyendo a Gehrig.Dahlgren now playing first base for New York replacing Gehrig.

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