Necesitas descruzar tu punto de mira. | You need to uncross your crosshairs. |
Él va a descruzar los brazos, crujir los nudillos, luego se volteará y se irá. | He's going to uncross his arms, crack his knuckles, then he will turn and go. |
a pesar tuyo, tu pie se mueve sobre la arena, tu mirada se pasea erráticamente, tus dedos se cruzan y se descruzan sin cesar. | in spite of yourself, your foot starts scuffing the sand, you let your eyes wander, you are continually crossing and uncrossing your fingers. |
Él perdió algo de su intensidad, descruzó los brazos y dijo que pensaba que haber escrito Holden había sido un error. | He lost some of his intensity, uncrossed his arms and he said that he thought writing Holden was a mistake. |
¿Crees que no es violación cuando la chica no ha descruzado las piernas en 48 horas? | Do you think rape's ambiguous when the girl hasn't uncrossed her legs in 48 hours after the incident? |
Estaba descruzando mis piernas. | I was just uncrossing my legs. |