Colocar (to place) conjugation

105 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to put, take, put, to take drugs

Conjugation of colocar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I place
you place
he/she/it places
we place
you all place
they place
Present perfect tense
he colocado
I have placed
has colocado
you have placed
ha colocado
he/she/it has placed
hemos colocado
we have placed
habéis colocado
you all have placed
han colocado
they have placed
Past preterite tense
I placed
you placed
he/she/it placed
we placed
you all placed
they placed
Future tense
I will place
you will place
he/she/it will place
we will place
you all will place
they will place
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would place
you would place
he/she/it would place
we would place
you all would place
they would place
Past imperfect tense
I used to place
you used to place
he/she/it used to place
we used to place
you all used to place
they used to place
Past perfect tense
había colocado
I had placed
habías colocado
you had placed
había colocado
he/she/it had placed
habíamos colocado
we had placed
habíais colocado
you all had placed
habían colocado
they had placed
Future perfect tense
habré colocado
I will have placed
habrás colocado
you will have placed
habrá colocado
he/she/it will have placed
habremos colocado
we will have placed
habréis colocado
you all will have placed
habrán colocado
they will have placed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I place
(if/so that) you place
(if/so that) he/she/it place
(if/so that) we place
(if/so that) you all place
(if/so that) they place
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya colocado
I have placed
hayas colocado
you have placed
haya colocado
he/she/it has placed
hayamos colocado
we have placed
hayáis colocado
you all have placed
hayan colocado
they have placed
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have placed
(if/so that) you have placed
(if/so that) he/she/it have placed
(if/so that) we have placed
(if/so that) you all have placed
(if/so that) they have placed
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have placed
(if/so that) you have placed
(if/so that) he/she/it have placed
(if/so that) we have placed
(if/so that) you all have placed
(if/so that) they have placed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera colocado
I had placed
hubieras colocado
you had placed
hubiera colocado
he/she/it had placed
hubiéramos colocado
we had placed
hubierais colocado
you all had placed
hubieran colocado
they had placed
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese colocado
I had placed
hubieses colocado
you had placed
hubiese colocado
he/she/it had placed
hubiésemos colocado
we had placed
hubieseis colocado
you all had placed
hubiesen colocado
they had placed
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have placed
(if/so that) you will have placed
(if/so that) he/she/it will have placed
(if/so that) we will have placed
(if/so that) you all will have placed
(if/so that) they will have placed
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere colocado
I will have placed
hubieres colocado
you will have placed
hubiere colocado
he/she/it will have placed
hubiéremos colocado
we will have placed
hubiereis colocado
you all will have placed
hubieren colocado
they will have placed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's place!
Imperative negative mood
no coloques
do not place!
no coloque
let him/her/it place!
no coloquemos
let us not place!
no coloquéis
do not place!
no coloquen
do not place!

Examples of colocar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Llámenos para colocar aquí el nombre de su empresa.""Call us to place your business name here for advertising."
"pero deben saber que si me ordenaran colocar otra bomba,"but you must know that if I'm ordered to place a bomb,
- # Nos ayuda... # ...pero mis compromisos me obligan a ignorar lo apropiado y debo decidir dónde colocar mi capital.- ♪ Our helper... ♪ ...but my own requirements force me to ignore what's seemly. I must decide where to place my capital.
- El tipo que adopta la medida tiene que ser como un ser humano Lotes para archivos de bolsillos para colocar boletos de apuestas individuales- The guy taking the action has gotta be like a human filing system. Lots of pockets to place individual betting slips.
- Es hora de colocar sus apuestas.- Time to place your bets.
- Estaba pensando... que si pongo un poco de mantequilla de cacahuete en algunos crackers... y los coloco fuera delante de la puerta principal, podría engatusarle para que saliera y tendría de nuevo un lugar donde vivir.- I was thinking if I put some peanut butter on some crackers and then stick it just outside the front door, I could coax him out and have a place to live again.
- Gio no sabe que tengo apartamento, así que coloco este gran emparedado pedido desde su deliYou see, Gio doesn't know that I have an apartment in the city. So I placed this huge sandwich order from his deli so that he could deliver it to my apartment.
- Te lo coloco yo.- I'll place it for you.
- ¿Dónde coloco mi votación?Where do I place my ballot?
- ¿Se las coloco en la habitación?- I placed them in the room ? .
# Mientras tú colocas las flores en el florero que compraste #♪ while you place the flowers ♪ ♪ in the vase that you bought ♪
Abuelo, si colocas una ahí, podrás atrapar esas.Grandfather, if you place one here, you can catch these ones.
Ahora, ¿por qué no te escabulles de esa mentirita de mal gusto te vistes con tu disfraz de Reina Etérea y te colocas donde debes, a mi lado?Now, what say you slip out of that tacky little white lie... put on your Queen Etherea costume... and take your rightful place by my side?
Al hombre que colocas tu fe, no se lo merece.The man you place so much faith in, does not deserve it.
"El hombre que coloca una parte no la fija."Themanwhoplacesthepartdoesn'tfastenit."
"Se coloca la loción en la cesta", pero todo el mundo lo entiende mal siempre."it places the lotion in the basket," but everybody always gets it wrong.
"Él coloca un taladro en su calavera"He places a drill to her skull
- Shambo coloca otra pieza.Shambo places another piece.
- Sí, lo sé. ¿El Decano mata al chico con una pistola de clavos luego lo coloca en el disfraz de la mascota que está lleno de desechos?The dean kills the kid with a nail gun, then places him in the mascot costume that's full of leftovers?
"Lo colocamos de modo que podamos sentarnos a horcajadas sobre el," "de modo que podamos brincar arriba y abajo."" We place it so we can straddle it... in order to jump up and down.
- Lo colocamos en la antesala.- We placed it in the anteroom.
- ¿Nos colocamos ya?- Shall we all take our places?
A principio de este año, cuando tomamos juramento como representantes de gobierno, colocamos nuestra mano sobre una Biblia y tomamos juramento.At the beginning of this year, when we were sworn in as your government representatives, we placed our hand on a bible and we took an oath.
Al menos decide dónde colocamos a Maurice y Jo.At least decide where to place Maurice and Jo.
Ahora se colocan en su lugar. ayer, sus cabezas rebotaban en todas pates.Now they slide into place. Yesterday, their heads were bobbing everywhere.
Al igual que los italianos, había planeado varios campamentos fortificados y se colocan las minas en grandes cantidades.As the Italians, it plans some fortified fields e placed mines in great amount.
Alguno llegan a apreciar tanto la vida, que pisar un simple insecto, o una hoja de hierva, viola sus crencias. Por eso se colocan en una forma extrema de proteccion.Some of them come to cherish life so much... that to step on an insect or harm a blade of grass... becomes a violation of their creed, so they place themselves under an extreme form... of protective custody--
Aquí son las miradas que colocan la selva de piedra... como un lugar de paranoia... e invasión.These are the eyes that define the concrete jungle... as a place of paranoia... and intrusion.
Así que la ocultan dentro de gruesas paredes. O la colocan tras puertas cerradas. O la oscurecen con elaborados disfraces.So they conceal it within sturdy walls... or they place it behind closed doors... or they obscure it with clever disguises.
"Cerré sus ojos y coloqué su cuerpo en el ataúd"I closed her eyes and placed her body in the coffin.
"Cogí la mano enguantada de MG y la coloqué sobre mi pecho rosado"."I took M.G.'s gloved hand and placed it on my heaving, pink, stippled breast. "
- Había comprado veinte metros... de plástico para los arrozales y los coloqué sobre cuatro estacas.- I had bought twenty meters.. of plastic for the paddies and I placed them on four stakes.
A él lo coloqué con O'Daniel hace unas dos semanas.Him I placed with O'Daniel about two weeks ago.
Ahora, ya me metí en el servidor de la tienes de emparedados y coloqué un escudo troyano en su menú en PDF.Now, I've hacked into the sub shop's server and I've placed a Trojan shell on their PDF menu.
- Es uno de los dispositivos que colocaste.That's one of the bugs you placed.
- Me colocaste ahí, ¿recuerdas?- You placed me there, remember?
Así que para implicarlo como el culpable... colocaste un estilete idéntico a su lado.So to clearly implicate him as the culprit... You placed your identical stiletto near him.
John, tienes una que no colocaste bien.John, you have a not you placed well.
La colocaste.You placed her.
"Y así, Lucinda colocó la quinta pieza"And so, Lucinda placed the fifth shard
"Y colocó mi mano en sus genitales"And then he placed, my hand... On his genitals.
- "Bastian colocó el collar en el suelo."(Reads) "Bastian placed the necklace down...
- Ella dice que usted colocó la cuerda.- She says that you placed the rope.
- La trajo a casa, y puso su mano alrededor del arma homicida, y luego la colocó en la habitación al lado de su marido muerto.- He brought Mrs. Thompson home, clasped her hand around the murder weapon, and then placed her in the room next door to her dead husband.
* Lo colocaron en una isla llamada Atmus ** They placed him on an island Called Atmus *
1966: científicos de Monsanto colocaron peces en el canal de Snow Creek, todos murieron después de 3 minutos y medio.In 1966 Monsanto scientists placed fish in Snow Creek's water: "All were dead in three and a half minutes."
Ah, me puse en contacto de la agencia pero la señora Truebody no ha estado en contacto desde que la colocaron con la tía de la Srta. Fisher.Ah, I contacted the agency but Mrs Truebody hasn't been in contact since they placed with Miss Fisher's aunt.
Al Esrella lo colocaron en uno de sus viajes,The Star was placed in one of his trips,
Al menos colocaron la soga en su cuello y movieron el banco.At least the rope was placed around his neck and the trap was sprung.
, lo colocaré alrededor de mi cuello para la suerte, It will place around my neck for luck
Ahora que tu lengua diga la verdad o colocaré este cuchillo entre los otros dosNow, place the truth on your tongue or I will place this knife between the other two.
Tomaré todo lo que tiemble dentro tuyo y lo colocaré de manera segura en la palma de mi mano.I'll take everything you tremble and I will place within you safely in the palm of my hand.
Ahora... colocarás el Círculo de la Fidelidad... sobre la cabeza de Kar'ynNow. You will place the circle of fidelity upon Kar'yn's head.
En esta balanza colocarás mil libras de plata.In these scales, you will place a thousand silver pounds.
Me tienes que prometer, Merlín, que una vez que esto halla terminado, Lo colocarás donde nadie pueda empuñarla.You must promise me, Merlin, that once its task is done, you will place it where none can wield it.
"Un jugador colocará la bandera en el centro de la playa."One player will place the flag in the center of the beach.
...colocará en el féretro una carta especial a su padre....will place a special letter for her father on the coffin.
Como tus huesos se han astillado, la doctora Torres colocará placas metálicas para unir el tobillo.Since your bones have splintered, dr.Torres will place metal plates and screws to hold the ankle together.
Eso significa que alguien colocará el dispositivo en unas horas.That means someone will place a device here in the next few hours.
Nos escribimos el dos de mayo de 1992, hoy, por supuesto, en otras palabras a las diez en punto precisamente, lo cual significa que en América es medianoche... Un sacerdote colocará el anillo en el dedo de la afortunada prometida.We wrote to each other on the 2nd of May, 1922, which is of course today, in other words at 10 o'clock precisely, which is ...midnight American time a priest will place a ring on the finger of the lucky fiancé.
- Los colocaremos esta noche.- We will place them tonight.
Son 44 millones de votantes que divididos por... La colocaremos allí, de acuerdo?So, 44 millions voters, divided by.... we will place it right there, alright?
Y ahora, para dar por terminado el Dia del Adorno, ;colocaremos la Estrella Real!And now, to conclude Ornament Day, we will place the Royal Star!
Y colocaremos electrodos en lugares concretos de su cuerpo.And we will place electrodes on certain parts of your body.
A mi señal, colocarán un tótem de madera en lo alto de un palo.On my go,you will place A wooden totem on top of A pole.
Bien, Kathryn y Marcus colocarán y activarán el artefacto.All right, Kathryn... and Marcus will place and activate the device.
Todo lo contrario las leyes de mi gente me colocarán en el trono.On the contrary the law of my people will place me on the throne.
Vamos a viajar al Río Estigia, donde te colocarán una moneda en la ... !We will travel to the River Styx, where you will place a coin in the -
Si hubiera sabido que colocaría a mi hermano en manos de una bruja adolescente, seguramente hubiera barajado mis opciones de forma diferente, y en tercer lugar, hermana, por favor.If I had known he would place my brother in the hands of a particularly nasty teenage witch, I certainly would have weighed my options a bit differently, and thirdly, sister, please.
Suena como algún tipo de raro anuncio de busco ayuda que Alan colocaría.Sounds like some kind of weird help wanted ad Alan would place.
"Después del tercer número, coloque en el antepecho una rosa, símbolo de amor. ""After the third number, place a rose on the box sill, a symbol of love."
"Para retroceder una casa rodante coloque su mano debajo del volante."To back a trailer coach place your hand at the bottom of the steering wheel.
Acabado el baile, observaré dónde se coloque... y con el contacto de su mano... haré dichosa mi ruda diestra."The measure done, I'll watch her place of stand... "and, touching hers... "make blessed my rude hand.
Aguien que coloque un tirador en posición.Someone get me a shooter in place.
Ahora coloque el dedo muy a la ligera en la parte superior de la copa como este.Now place your finger very lightly on the top of the glass like this.
Ahora, baja cuando los coloques...No, no, no. Now, down when you place...
Bien, necesito que coloques una sutura continua justo debajo mi pinza allí.Okay, I need you to place a running suture right beneath my clamp there.
Bueno, Neville, sólo necesito que coloques tu mano aquí.OK, Neville, I'm just gonna need you to place your hand here.
Hey, Chico, espero que lo coloques en un lugar seguroHey, kid, I hope you put it in a safe place
Louisa, para que no haya lugar a errores y el tribunal sepa exactamente a quiénes te refieres, quiero que salgas del estrado, te acerques a los tres chicos que lo mataron y les coloques la mano encima de los hombros para identificarlos.Louisa, just so there can be no possibility of a mistake. Just so the court will know exactly who you are talking about, I want you to leave the witness stand, go to the three boys who killed your brother, and place your hand on the shoulder of each one to identify them.
De acuerdo Divya, coloquemos la sonda nasogastrica.Okay, divya, let's place the nasogastric tube...
Gracias, de acuerdo coloquemos el escáner en su sitio.Thank you. All right, let's get the scanner in place.
Recomindo qe coloquemos Intersect en un encierro preventivo. hasta que estemos seguros que el jeque está fuera del país.I recommend we place the Intersect in protective lockdown till we're sure the sheik is out of the country.
Separémonos y coloquemos esos radares.Let's split up and place those beacons.
Sugiero lo coloquemos aqui.l suggest we place him here.
"Para comenzar, coloquen todas sus pertenencias en las taquillas.To begin, please place all personal belongings in the lockers.
- No coloquen nada- Do not place anything
Abran las piernas y coloquen las manos en los círculos amarillos. - ¿Qué está haciendo?Can you please spread your legs... and place your hands in the yellow circles.
Ahora pónganse de pie coloquen su mano derecha sobre su corazón y escuchemos a Phil Perry cantar nuestro himno nacional.And now will you please stand and place your right hand over your heart as we listen to Phil Perry sing our National Anthem.
Ahora, miembros, y potenciales miembros de la Casa del Árbol coloquen su mano derecha en el tazón.Now treehouse members and potential treehouse members take your right hand, and place it in the bowl.
"Cuando el sol renazca por el oeste colocad esta estatua en el altar sagrado sobre la entrada del Castillo Azumi"."When the sun rises in the west place this statue on the sacred shrine, above the gate of Azumi Castle."
Luego colocad el dedo medio derecho en vuestra cabeza.Then place your right middle finger on your head.
Niños, colocad la cama en su sitio.Will you push the bed back into place, please?
Por favor colocad los cofres cinerarios.Please place the cinerary caskets.
Por favor, colocad cada uno el anillo en el dedo del otro.Please place the ring on the other's finger.
"...el escudo sagrado de Lanzarote, que ella había colocado para que los primeros rayos al dar en él la despertaran con su reflejo"."The sacred shield of Lancelot which first she placed where morning's earliest ray might strike it and awaken her with the gleam."
"Entre los muertos está Urías, el heteo." "Que había sido colocado al frente de los atacantes. ""Among the dead is uriah the hittite who had been placed in the forefront of the attack."
"Niño no colocado en adopción. ""Child not placed for adoption."
"Tras la muerte de Constantino, los huesos de Caterina fueron desenterrados, Vendidos y distribuidos entre las siete iglesias más ricas de Europa, Hasta que un artículo de protección fué colocado sobre sus restos,Following the death of Constantine, Katherine's bone were unearthed, sold and distributed between the seven wealthiest churches in Europe, until a charter of protection was placed upon the rest of her remains, to this day the which lie within her monastery on Mount Sinai.
"Un recién colocado nunca miente, pero.."A newly placed never mind, but às times can
"Corrí de la única manera que sabía, "colocando una pierna tras la otra en rápida sucesión. "Tenía que ayudar a Reed,'l ran the only way l knew how, by placing one leg in front of the other in quick succession.
13 minutos después de la media noche, miembros de la fiesta de bodas entraron al cuarto de seguridad, colocando el anillo en una caja de depósitos segura, la cual fue puesta en la caja fuerte y cerrada toda la noche.13 minutes after midnight, members of the wedding party entered the safe room, placing the ring into a safety deposit box, which was slid into the safe and closed for the night.
Acabo de pillar a la boticaria colocando drogas en tus aposentosI just caught this apothecary placing drugs... in your quarters.
Ahora estoy colocando el corazón en el lado izquierdo del pecho.I'm now placing the heart in the left side of the chest.
Alguien está colocando estratégicamente estas cajas.Someone is strategically placing these boxes.

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