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Work out (to ) conjugation

40 examples
This verb can also mean the following: out, smooth, muscle mass, conclude, make sense of, succeed, conclude with the correct solution, maintain fitness, calculate, make, in order to increase strength

Conjugation of work out

you all
Present Simple
work out
work out
works out
work out
work out
work out
Future Simple
will work out
will work out
will work out
will work out
will work out
will work out
Past Simple
worked out
worked out
worked out
worked out
worked out
worked out
Conditional Simple
would work out
would work out
would work out
would work out
would work out
would work out
you all
Present Progressive
am working out
are working out
is working out
are working out
are working out
are working out
Future Progressive
will be working out
will be working out
will be working out
will be working out
will be working out
will be working out
Past Progressive
was working out
were working out
was working out
were working out
were working out
were working out
Conditional Progressive
would be working out
would be working out
would be working out
would be working out
would be working out
would be working out
you all
Present Perfect
have worked out
have worked out
has worked out
have worked out
have worked out
have worked out
Future Perfect
will have worked out
will have worked out
will have worked out
will have worked out
will have worked out
will have worked out
Past Perfect
had worked out
had worked out
had worked out
had worked out
had worked out
had worked out
Conditional Perfect
would have worked out
would have worked out
would have worked out
would have worked out
would have worked out
would have worked out
Present Perfect Progressive
have been working out
have been working out
has been working out
have been working out
have been working out
have been working out
Future Perfect Progressive
will have been working out
will have been working out
will have been working out
will have been working out
will have been working out
will have been working out
Past Perfect Progressive
had been working out
had been working out
had been working out
had been working out
had been working out
had been working out
Conditional Perfect Progressive
would have been working out
would have been working out
would have been working out
would have been working out
would have been working out
would have been working out

Examples of work out

Example in EnglishTranslation in English
"'So all I have to do to make one "'is work out exactly how improbable it is... "'feed that figure into the finite improbability generator...
"At least we'll be fighting." 58,000 names say that strategy didn't work out so well.
"Cerri's Gym", where the champs work out.
"Clyde likes to work out in the mornings with his big cock." With his big ol' cock, yeah.
"Dear Mel and Joe, no thanks to you, we were able to work out our differences.
"'So all I have to do to make one "'is work out exactly how improbable it is... "'feed that figure into the finite improbability generator...
"At least we'll be fighting." 58,000 names say that strategy didn't work out so well.
"Cerri's Gym", where the champs work out.
"Clyde likes to work out in the mornings with his big cock." With his big ol' cock, yeah.
"Dear Mel and Joe, no thanks to you, we were able to work out our differences.
! And he works out?
"'Over time everything works out, my friend...
"Everything works out by chance, Destiny so trips the dance.
"Everything works out for me."
"It all works out, kitty-kat," isn't that what you always say?
! And he works out?
"'Over time everything works out, my friend...
"Everything works out by chance, Destiny so trips the dance.
"Everything works out for me."
"It all works out, kitty-kat," isn't that what you always say?
"And that worked out great, "so you just decided to enlist four more times "and that ended up getting you killed.
"But Dante and Katya had worked out a code."
"Close-ups ad lib, to be worked out in detail later, ending with a huge and impressive shot of Dracula, arms upraised, dark cloak billowing in the gale, about to close in on a screaming helpless wretch he has cornered."
"Everything might have worked out well, but, you see the problem was
"I'm sorry it worked out this way."
"... when I was working out in the sticks..."
"After so much time without working out.
"Charlie, Uncle Sam called about another job which is just as well, seeing as things aren't working out here.
"Hey, how's that homelessness working out for you?
"I'm gonna start working out with this thing."
"And that worked out great, "so you just decided to enlist four more times "and that ended up getting you killed.
"But Dante and Katya had worked out a code."
"Close-ups ad lib, to be worked out in detail later, ending with a huge and impressive shot of Dracula, arms upraised, dark cloak billowing in the gale, about to close in on a screaming helpless wretch he has cornered."
"Everything might have worked out well, but, you see the problem was
"I'm sorry it worked out this way."
"... when I was working out in the sticks..."
"After so much time without working out.
"Charlie, Uncle Sam called about another job which is just as well, seeing as things aren't working out here.
"Hey, how's that homelessness working out for you?
"I'm gonna start working out with this thing."

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