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Use (to ) conjugation

40 examples

Conjugation of use

Conditional Progressive

Examples of use

Example in EnglishTranslation in English
! - We can use this. Surely we can use it!
! All you got to do is tell them that your car broke down, ask to use the john, toss the doodad in the trash, and split.
! Bridie...it's no use behaving like a child.
! Cornflour, you use it to thicken a sauce, say.
! Do you dare to use the word 'obviously' when you contradict me?
! - We can use this. Surely we can use it!
! All you got to do is tell them that your car broke down, ask to use the john, toss the doodad in the trash, and split.
! Bridie...it's no use behaving like a child.
! Cornflour, you use it to thicken a sauce, say.
! Do you dare to use the word 'obviously' when you contradict me?
"A good spy uses--" [Voice booming] Testing !
"A man who uses the letters of the woman who loves him as an exchange item, deserves hanging."
"A woman uses her intelligence to find reasons to support her intuition".
"Any municipal property that can't generate enough money to cover its operating budget can be rezoned for other uses."
"Comrade Stalin, now general secretary, holds in his hands unlimited power and I'm not sure he always uses it with enough circumspection".
"A good spy uses--" [Voice booming] Testing !
"A man who uses the letters of the woman who loves him as an exchange item, deserves hanging."
"A woman uses her intelligence to find reasons to support her intuition".
"Any municipal property that can't generate enough money to cover its operating budget can be rezoned for other uses."
"Comrade Stalin, now general secretary, holds in his hands unlimited power and I'm not sure he always uses it with enough circumspection".
! - He must have used this door.
! - He`s to be used as a terrorist.
! - How do you think I used to make a living?
! Come on! We used to play there a lot!
! Get used to it!
! - I walked in. You logged in to my computer using my password?
! By using a frequency device, the Hollys didn't even have to touch the glass to break it nor risk leaving an evidence trail.
! He's using you.
! I'm -- fairly certain you're not using "facetious" correctlrrmp.
! If you are using, or if you are lying to me, if you're not going to your meetings, you can just pack up all your stuff and you can get out of my place I'm letting you stay for free out of my love for you.
! - He must have used this door.
! - He`s to be used as a terrorist.
! - How do you think I used to make a living?
! Come on! We used to play there a lot!
! Get used to it!
! - I walked in. You logged in to my computer using my password?
! By using a frequency device, the Hollys didn't even have to touch the glass to break it nor risk leaving an evidence trail.
! He's using you.
! I'm -- fairly certain you're not using "facetious" correctlrrmp.
! If you are using, or if you are lying to me, if you're not going to your meetings, you can just pack up all your stuff and you can get out of my place I'm letting you stay for free out of my love for you.

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