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Type up (to ) conjugation

38 examples
This verb can also mean the following: type
you all
Present Simple
type up
type up
types up
type up
type up
type up
Future Simple
will type up
will type up
will type up
will type up
will type up
will type up
Past Simple
typed up
typed up
typed up
typed up
typed up
typed up
Conditional Simple
would type up
would type up
would type up
would type up
would type up
would type up
you all
Present Progressive
am typing up
are typing up
is typing up
are typing up
are typing up
are typing up
Future Progressive
will be typing up
will be typing up
will be typing up
will be typing up
will be typing up
will be typing up
Past Progressive
was typing up
were typing up
was typing up
were typing up
were typing up
were typing up
Conditional Progressive
would be typing up
would be typing up
would be typing up
would be typing up
would be typing up
would be typing up
you all
Present Perfect
have typed up
have typed up
has typed up
have typed up
have typed up
have typed up
Future Perfect
will have typed up
will have typed up
will have typed up
will have typed up
will have typed up
will have typed up
Past Perfect
had typed up
had typed up
had typed up
had typed up
had typed up
had typed up
Conditional Perfect
would have typed up
would have typed up
would have typed up
would have typed up
would have typed up
would have typed up
Present Perfect Progressive
have been typing up
have been typing up
has been typing up
have been typing up
have been typing up
have been typing up
Future Perfect Progressive
will have been typing up
will have been typing up
will have been typing up
will have been typing up
will have been typing up
will have been typing up
Past Perfect Progressive
had been typing up
had been typing up
had been typing up
had been typing up
had been typing up
had been typing up
Conditional Perfect Progressive
would have been typing up
would have been typing up
would have been typing up
would have been typing up
would have been typing up
would have been typing up

Examples of type up

Example in EnglishTranslation in English
"Son, is there anyway I can ask you to type up the 'suck your own cock' bit, so I can pin it to your grandmother's headstone?"
- I'll type up my report.
- Just type up a little list and...
- Sir, do you want me to type up these furlow papers?
Absolutely. What would probably be even better is if you type up whatever you want and I'll sign it.
"Son, is there anyway I can ask you to type up the 'suck your own cock' bit, so I can pin it to your grandmother's headstone?"
- I'll type up my report.
- Just type up a little list and...
- Sir, do you want me to type up these furlow papers?
Absolutely. What would probably be even better is if you type up whatever you want and I'll sign it.
But first, do you remember about a year ago, when a bunch of hippie types up in the mountains put on their birthday suits?
God, she types up one memo and she needs a nap
Okay, look, Brennan types up her book, and then I go to her place, and I lie on the couch, I mean, with a glass of wine. And she reads me the book.
Usually, my handler types up my reports.
But first, do you remember about a year ago, when a bunch of hippie types up in the mountains put on their birthday suits?
God, she types up one memo and she needs a nap
Okay, look, Brennan types up her book, and then I go to her place, and I lie on the couch, I mean, with a glass of wine. And she reads me the book.
Usually, my handler types up my reports.
(BOTH) It has to be submitted before two so it can be typed up.
(laughs) to the girl who typed up the memos, to the girl who went out for lunch, claimed to have written this scene (laughs).
- Already typed up my report.
- I'll have these typed up today.
- The agenda has been typed up.
-I intended typing up...
-I'm just typing up my Christmas list.
As well as typing up his work, you have to keep him disciplined.
Finish typing up this statement.
I am typing up Cameron's files from memory.
(BOTH) It has to be submitted before two so it can be typed up.
(laughs) to the girl who typed up the memos, to the girl who went out for lunch, claimed to have written this scene (laughs).
- Already typed up my report.
- I'll have these typed up today.
- The agenda has been typed up.
-I intended typing up...
-I'm just typing up my Christmas list.
As well as typing up his work, you have to keep him disciplined.
Finish typing up this statement.
I am typing up Cameron's files from memory.

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