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Touch down (to ) conjugation

40 examples
This verb can also mean the following: land an aircraft, score, score a try, score a touchdown, land
you all
Present Simple
touch down
touch down
touches down
touch down
touch down
touch down
Future Simple
will touch down
will touch down
will touch down
will touch down
will touch down
will touch down
Past Simple
touched down
touched down
touched down
touched down
touched down
touched down
Conditional Simple
would touch down
would touch down
would touch down
would touch down
would touch down
would touch down
you all
Present Progressive
am touching down
are touching down
is touching down
are touching down
are touching down
are touching down
Future Progressive
will be touching down
will be touching down
will be touching down
will be touching down
will be touching down
will be touching down
Past Progressive
was touching down
were touching down
was touching down
were touching down
were touching down
were touching down
Conditional Progressive
would be touching down
would be touching down
would be touching down
would be touching down
would be touching down
would be touching down
you all
Present Perfect
have touched down
have touched down
has touched down
have touched down
have touched down
have touched down
Future Perfect
will have touched down
will have touched down
will have touched down
will have touched down
will have touched down
will have touched down
Past Perfect
had touched down
had touched down
had touched down
had touched down
had touched down
had touched down
Conditional Perfect
would have touched down
would have touched down
would have touched down
would have touched down
would have touched down
would have touched down
Present Perfect Progressive
have been touching down
have been touching down
has been touching down
have been touching down
have been touching down
have been touching down
Future Perfect Progressive
will have been touching down
will have been touching down
will have been touching down
will have been touching down
will have been touching down
will have been touching down
Past Perfect Progressive
had been touching down
had been touching down
had been touching down
had been touching down
had been touching down
had been touching down
Conditional Perfect Progressive
would have been touching down
would have been touching down
would have been touching down
would have been touching down
would have been touching down
would have been touching down

Examples of touch down

Example in EnglishTranslation in English
- Can touch down and be in the air again in less than 30 seconds.
- Can't touch down in Cuba at his level.
- He was the last to touch down.
- and I saw a tornado touch down!
A galaxy of press, well-wishers and ambassadors alike has gathered here in Paris in anticipation of the historic moment when Amelia Earhart will touch down where Lindbergh did years ago.
- Can touch down and be in the air again in less than 30 seconds.
- Can't touch down in Cuba at his level.
- He was the last to touch down.
- and I saw a tornado touch down!
A galaxy of press, well-wishers and ambassadors alike has gathered here in Paris in anticipation of the historic moment when Amelia Earhart will touch down where Lindbergh did years ago.
- He said he's fine We should get out of here before he touches down.
A rod touches down eight times faster than a bullet.
An alien spacecraft sent from Earth touches down on the red planet.
And the second his plane touches down in Oahu, you're gonna resign, you're gonna collect your pension, and then you're gonna disappear.
And when he touches down, We're talking four horsemen, red oceans, fiery skies --
- He said he's fine We should get out of here before he touches down.
A rod touches down eight times faster than a bullet.
An alien spacecraft sent from Earth touches down on the red planet.
And the second his plane touches down in Oahu, you're gonna resign, you're gonna collect your pension, and then you're gonna disappear.
And when he touches down, We're talking four horsemen, red oceans, fiery skies --
(TV) A tornado touched down near Pekin...
(TV)... tornado touched down outside Pekin... - Drive safe. - (TV)... worst to hit in many years.
- A small tornado touched down here?
- He's touched down.
- I would have touched down sooner.
"Megan Fox's plane is touching down at LAX in an hour."
"Unless her plane's touching down in 2008, I'm not interested."
(man) With new tornadoes touching down all over Kansas, it will be morning until we know the full extent of the damage of this powerful system...
- Get ready, touching down.
- Yeah' I know. I know. Air Force One was touching down at Andrews at 9:40 a.m.
(TV) A tornado touched down near Pekin...
(TV)... tornado touched down outside Pekin... - Drive safe. - (TV)... worst to hit in many years.
- A small tornado touched down here?
- He's touched down.
- I would have touched down sooner.
"Megan Fox's plane is touching down at LAX in an hour."
"Unless her plane's touching down in 2008, I'm not interested."
(man) With new tornadoes touching down all over Kansas, it will be morning until we know the full extent of the damage of this powerful system...
- Get ready, touching down.
- Yeah' I know. I know. Air Force One was touching down at Andrews at 9:40 a.m.

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