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Tot up (to ) conjugation

32 examples
This verb can also mean the following: add up, do, add, calculate
you all
Present Simple
tot up
tot up
tots up
tot up
tot up
tot up
Future Simple
will tot up
will tot up
will tot up
will tot up
will tot up
will tot up
Past Simple
totted up
totted up
totted up
totted up
totted up
totted up
Conditional Simple
would tot up
would tot up
would tot up
would tot up
would tot up
would tot up
you all
Present Progressive
am totting up
are totting up
is totting up
are totting up
are totting up
are totting up
Future Progressive
will be totting up
will be totting up
will be totting up
will be totting up
will be totting up
will be totting up
Past Progressive
was totting up
were totting up
was totting up
were totting up
were totting up
were totting up
Conditional Progressive
would be totting up
would be totting up
would be totting up
would be totting up
would be totting up
would be totting up
you all
Present Perfect
have totted up
have totted up
has totted up
have totted up
have totted up
have totted up
Future Perfect
will have totted up
will have totted up
will have totted up
will have totted up
will have totted up
will have totted up
Past Perfect
had totted up
had totted up
had totted up
had totted up
had totted up
had totted up
Conditional Perfect
would have totted up
would have totted up
would have totted up
would have totted up
would have totted up
would have totted up
Present Perfect Progressive
have been totting up
have been totting up
has been totting up
have been totting up
have been totting up
have been totting up
Future Perfect Progressive
will have been totting up
will have been totting up
will have been totting up
will have been totting up
will have been totting up
will have been totting up
Past Perfect Progressive
had been totting up
had been totting up
had been totting up
had been totting up
had been totting up
had been totting up
Conditional Perfect Progressive
would have been totting up
would have been totting up
would have been totting up
would have been totting up
would have been totting up
would have been totting up

Examples of tot up

Example in EnglishTranslation in English
All that's left is to tot up the damages.
If you tot up the hours we've actually spent together probably only been about a year.
It was time to tot up the scores on the doors and probably because of my spin, the Porsche sustains 79 hits.
OK, so, let's tot up the totals.
So, time to tot up the night, boss.
All that's left is to tot up the damages.
If you tot up the hours we've actually spent together probably only been about a year.
It was time to tot up the scores on the doors and probably because of my spin, the Porsche sustains 79 hits.
OK, so, let's tot up the totals.
So, time to tot up the night, boss.
I'm gonna go shove some tots up the tailpipe of coach Sylvester's car. Sure!
Mercedes got in trouble for shoving tots up Sue Sylvester's tailpipe, and we were sitting in Sue's office, and Mercedes was looking at me like...
I'm gonna go shove some tots up the tailpipe of coach Sylvester's car. Sure!
Mercedes got in trouble for shoving tots up Sue Sylvester's tailpipe, and we were sitting in Sue's office, and Mercedes was looking at me like...
'Once Jeremy had been put out, we totted up my score.'
'We then totted up the points from the producers' competition 'to see who was on course to win the special prize.'
After the value of the smashed custard creams and the splattered Spam had been totted up,
There are numbers totted up on the wall beside your bed, David.
- I've been totting up here.
Anyway, now, we've gotta do some totting up.
I've started totting up this week's expenses, I'll show you.
Near beer, blue jokes and totting up the night's take. That's your forte.
THey must feel tHe tHrill of totting up a balanced book
'Once Jeremy had been put out, we totted up my score.'
'We then totted up the points from the producers' competition 'to see who was on course to win the special prize.'
After the value of the smashed custard creams and the splattered Spam had been totted up,
There are numbers totted up on the wall beside your bed, David.
- I've been totting up here.
Anyway, now, we've gotta do some totting up.
I've started totting up this week's expenses, I'll show you.
Near beer, blue jokes and totting up the night's take. That's your forte.
THey must feel tHe tHrill of totting up a balanced book

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