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Take out (to ) conjugation

50 examples
This verb can also mean the following: obtain by application by a legal, mrs, obtain, immobilize, escort someone on a date, immobilize with force, destroy, kill, escort, remove, other official process

Conjugation of take out

you all
Present Simple
take out
take out
takes out
take out
take out
take out
Future Simple
will take out
will take out
will take out
will take out
will take out
will take out
Past Simple
took out
took out
took out
took out
took out
took out
Conditional Simple
would take out
would take out
would take out
would take out
would take out
would take out
you all
Present Progressive
am taking out
are taking out
is taking out
are taking out
are taking out
are taking out
Future Progressive
will be taking out
will be taking out
will be taking out
will be taking out
will be taking out
will be taking out
Past Progressive
was taking out
were taking out
was taking out
were taking out
were taking out
were taking out
Conditional Progressive
would be taking out
would be taking out
would be taking out
would be taking out
would be taking out
would be taking out
you all
Present Perfect
have taken out
have taken out
has taken out
have taken out
have taken out
have taken out
Future Perfect
will have taken out
will have taken out
will have taken out
will have taken out
will have taken out
will have taken out
Past Perfect
had taken out
had taken out
had taken out
had taken out
had taken out
had taken out
Conditional Perfect
would have taken out
would have taken out
would have taken out
would have taken out
would have taken out
would have taken out
Present Perfect Progressive
have been taking out
have been taking out
has been taking out
have been taking out
have been taking out
have been taking out
Future Perfect Progressive
will have been taking out
will have been taking out
will have been taking out
will have been taking out
will have been taking out
will have been taking out
Past Perfect Progressive
had been taking out
had been taking out
had been taking out
had been taking out
had been taking out
had been taking out
Conditional Perfect Progressive
would have been taking out
would have been taking out
would have been taking out
would have been taking out
would have been taking out
would have been taking out

Examples of take out

Example in EnglishTranslation in English
" At twenty eight minutes past twelve, " I open the second drawer down the right side of my desk. " I take out the revolver, load it.
"'Let's take out her self-esteem!
"And if I can take out a federal prosecutor,
"Can you please take out the trash?" "Okay." And then he puts 'em back on.
"Come on, take out the money. Hey!
" At twenty eight minutes past twelve, " I open the second drawer down the right side of my desk. " I take out the revolver, load it.
"'Let's take out her self-esteem!
"And if I can take out a federal prosecutor,
"Can you please take out the trash?" "Okay." And then he puts 'em back on.
"Come on, take out the money. Hey!
"And then Barry takes out a gun and shoots the other guy named Barry.
"June 1st -- mrs. Holcomb takes out trash, drops soda bottle,doesn't pick it up."
"Mickey takes out a bottle of carbonic cleaning fluid and suggests we do a little sniffing to get high."
"Of course", he answers and takes out his handkerchief.
"On Tuesday, Kate buys an apple pie. "She eats two-fifths of the pie that night. "On Thursday, she takes out the pie again and eats two-fifths of what is left."
"And then Barry takes out a gun and shoots the other guy named Barry.
"June 1st -- mrs. Holcomb takes out trash, drops soda bottle,doesn't pick it up."
"Mickey takes out a bottle of carbonic cleaning fluid and suggests we do a little sniffing to get high."
"Of course", he answers and takes out his handkerchief.
"On Tuesday, Kate buys an apple pie. "She eats two-fifths of the pie that night. "On Thursday, she takes out the pie again and eats two-fifths of what is left."
! - He took out a policy just before the fire.
! I took out all our relatives to the train station, to kill some time!
"Doctor DoyIe took out a handkerchief "and meticulously wiped his glasses.
"I just took out of the oven."
"I took out my knife and yelled: BOOH!" "And suddenly he found his way home"
! - He took out a policy just before the fire.
! I took out all our relatives to the train station, to kill some time!
"Doctor DoyIe took out a handkerchief "and meticulously wiped his glasses.
"I just took out of the oven."
"I took out my knife and yelled: BOOH!" "And suddenly he found his way home"
" 'She shall be called woman, because she was taken out of man.' "
" It's a... all the glass was taken out, there were 10 foot by 10 foot, " " a marble panels that were once walls " " that were loose from the wall of the Trade Center. "
"...may have been improperly taken out in your name. "If you will contact our major crimes division, "we will, at your request, put an investigatory hold
"After losing six years, i have only understood that..." "...i had should have taken out time for myself, in that fight."
"Anybody who don't vote for him... "at the next election... - ought to be taken out"— - "And shot down like a dog."
! We're not taking out washers, man!
"UNI. cm... taking out the garbage at night...
"into taking out Paris the loser! Throw the dog a bone!"
'Cause taking out some of Ward's key players
'It starts by taking out small pockets.
" 'She shall be called woman, because she was taken out of man.' "
" It's a... all the glass was taken out, there were 10 foot by 10 foot, " " a marble panels that were once walls " " that were loose from the wall of the Trade Center. "
"...may have been improperly taken out in your name. "If you will contact our major crimes division, "we will, at your request, put an investigatory hold
"After losing six years, i have only understood that..." "...i had should have taken out time for myself, in that fight."
"Anybody who don't vote for him... "at the next election... - ought to be taken out"— - "And shot down like a dog."
! We're not taking out washers, man!
"UNI. cm... taking out the garbage at night...
"into taking out Paris the loser! Throw the dog a bone!"
'Cause taking out some of Ward's key players
'It starts by taking out small pockets.

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take aback
take courage
take courage
take it like a man
take it like a man
take on
take on
take out the trash
take out the trash
take over
take over
take turns
take turns
talk around
talk around

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