A swift boat skims across the Saigon River, Tony the Tiger at the helm. | |
All he needed was some lying swift boat captains to complete the ambush. | |
They're gonna swift boat him. | |
What's your swift boat? | |
A swift boat skims across the Saigon River, Tony the Tiger at the helm. | |
All he needed was some lying swift boat captains to complete the ambush. | |
They're gonna swift boat him. | |
What's your swift boat? | |
In 1975, my mission was to remove or destroy as many ships, swift boats, anything that I considered to be a benefit to the enemy. | |
Like Karl Rove did in the last election when he made it about gay folks and swift boats. | |
In 1975, my mission was to remove or destroy as many ships, swift boats, anything that I considered to be a benefit to the enemy. | |
Like Karl Rove did in the last election when he made it about gay folks and swift boats. | |