Bashir Toabal, Energy Law. I run the Islamic subgroup. | |
I want to organize a subgroup data. | |
Suppose, on one of them, there lives an intelligent species, one the ten million life-forms on that planet, and there's a subgroup of that species who believe they have it all figured out-- their world is the center of the universe, | |
There's a subgroup in that camp. | |
True, but they're also part of a subgroup That made the same statement publicly back in 2007. | |
Bashir Toabal, Energy Law. I run the Islamic subgroup. | |
I want to organize a subgroup data. | |
Suppose, on one of them, there lives an intelligent species, one the ten million life-forms on that planet, and there's a subgroup of that species who believe they have it all figured out-- their world is the center of the universe, | |
There's a subgroup in that camp. | |
True, but they're also part of a subgroup That made the same statement publicly back in 2007. | |
And the tribal infighting over there has created several violent subgroups of Shilluk, one of which is led by... | |
Christianity alone has over 34,000 different subgroups. | |
Discussion of these issues is for the subgroups. | |
Do you believe the government should recognise these racial subgroups? | |
Following lunch, the delegations are breaking into subgroups for this afternoon's talks on a variety of mutually agreed upon subjects. | |
And the tribal infighting over there has created several violent subgroups of Shilluk, one of which is led by... | |
Christianity alone has over 34,000 different subgroups. | |
Discussion of these issues is for the subgroups. | |
Do you believe the government should recognise these racial subgroups? | |
Following lunch, the delegations are breaking into subgroups for this afternoon's talks on a variety of mutually agreed upon subjects. | |