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Strike out (to ) conjugation

40 examples
This verb can also mean the following: lash out, be, hit at someone, begin, fail, strike, in particular a request for a, draw, begin to make way, be retired after three strikes, draw a line through some text such as a printed, have a proposal not be accepted, do, lash, be refused a request

Conjugation of strike out

you all
Present Simple
strike out
strike out
strikes out
strike out
strike out
strike out
Future Simple
will strike out
will strike out
will strike out
will strike out
will strike out
will strike out
Past Simple
struck out
struck out
struck out
struck out
struck out
struck out
Conditional Simple
would strike out
would strike out
would strike out
would strike out
would strike out
would strike out
you all
Present Progressive
am striking out
are striking out
is striking out
are striking out
are striking out
are striking out
Future Progressive
will be striking out
will be striking out
will be striking out
will be striking out
will be striking out
will be striking out
Past Progressive
was striking out
were striking out
was striking out
were striking out
were striking out
were striking out
Conditional Progressive
would be striking out
would be striking out
would be striking out
would be striking out
would be striking out
would be striking out
you all
Present Perfect
have struck out
have struck out
has struck out
have struck out
have struck out
have struck out
Future Perfect
will have struck out
will have struck out
will have struck out
will have struck out
will have struck out
will have struck out
Past Perfect
had struck out
had struck out
had struck out
had struck out
had struck out
had struck out
Conditional Perfect
would have struck out
would have struck out
would have struck out
would have struck out
would have struck out
would have struck out
Present Perfect Progressive
have been striking out
have been striking out
has been striking out
have been striking out
have been striking out
have been striking out
Future Perfect Progressive
will have been striking out
will have been striking out
will have been striking out
will have been striking out
will have been striking out
will have been striking out
Past Perfect Progressive
had been striking out
had been striking out
had been striking out
had been striking out
had been striking out
had been striking out
Conditional Perfect Progressive
would have been striking out
would have been striking out
would have been striking out
would have been striking out
would have been striking out
would have been striking out

Examples of strike out

Example in EnglishTranslation in English
"and did so fierce set my own savagery that I did strike out"
"and you strike out with your fists.
(Announcer) So the tough guys strike out.
- Cameron can't strike out this time.
- Sure. - I don't want you to strike out tomorrow.
"and did so fierce set my own savagery that I did strike out"
"and you strike out with your fists.
(Announcer) So the tough guys strike out.
- Cameron can't strike out this time.
- Sure. - I don't want you to strike out tomorrow.
"he strikes out at the other woman
'Cross swings and misses as he strikes out for out number two.'
- He also strikes out about 73 times, and with men on base he's batting about.110.
A fear that strikes out, that claws and tears at the world like a singed cat.
A man wronged, his reputation besmirched, so he strikes out in passion.
"he strikes out at the other woman
'Cross swings and misses as he strikes out for out number two.'
- He also strikes out about 73 times, and with men on base he's batting about.110.
A fear that strikes out, that claws and tears at the world like a singed cat.
A man wronged, his reputation besmirched, so he strikes out in passion.
"Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game" It was the kind of place where diet was a four-letter word and grease came at no additional charge.
"Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game. "
- He's been striking out with the ladies. I figured a little man time might do him some good.
- Looks like we're striking out.
- Yeah, we're striking out.
" it could be a first name Or a last name ootanother po word like thruth" or "strength. " The homicide guys looked into it,but they struck out.
" struck out the mighty Casey ".
"God is everywhere!" he claimed, and struck out wildly.
"but there is no joy in Mudville... mighty Casey has struck out."
'I'd run down all the leads and struck out.
"Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game" It was the kind of place where diet was a four-letter word and grease came at no additional charge.
"Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game. "
- He's been striking out with the ladies. I figured a little man time might do him some good.
- Looks like we're striking out.
- Yeah, we're striking out.
" it could be a first name Or a last name ootanother po word like thruth" or "strength. " The homicide guys looked into it,but they struck out.
" struck out the mighty Casey ".
"God is everywhere!" he claimed, and struck out wildly.
"but there is no joy in Mudville... mighty Casey has struck out."
'I'd run down all the leads and struck out.

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