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Stretch out (to ) conjugation

40 examples
This verb can also mean the following: lie, fully, do, lie fully extended

Conjugation of stretch out

you all
Present Simple
stretch out
stretch out
stretches out
stretch out
stretch out
stretch out
Future Simple
will stretch out
will stretch out
will stretch out
will stretch out
will stretch out
will stretch out
Past Simple
stretched out
stretched out
stretched out
stretched out
stretched out
stretched out
Conditional Simple
would stretch out
would stretch out
would stretch out
would stretch out
would stretch out
would stretch out
you all
Present Progressive
am stretching out
are stretching out
is stretching out
are stretching out
are stretching out
are stretching out
Future Progressive
will be stretching out
will be stretching out
will be stretching out
will be stretching out
will be stretching out
will be stretching out
Past Progressive
was stretching out
were stretching out
was stretching out
were stretching out
were stretching out
were stretching out
Conditional Progressive
would be stretching out
would be stretching out
would be stretching out
would be stretching out
would be stretching out
would be stretching out
you all
Present Perfect
have stretched out
have stretched out
has stretched out
have stretched out
have stretched out
have stretched out
Future Perfect
will have stretched out
will have stretched out
will have stretched out
will have stretched out
will have stretched out
will have stretched out
Past Perfect
had stretched out
had stretched out
had stretched out
had stretched out
had stretched out
had stretched out
Conditional Perfect
would have stretched out
would have stretched out
would have stretched out
would have stretched out
would have stretched out
would have stretched out
Present Perfect Progressive
have been stretching out
have been stretching out
has been stretching out
have been stretching out
have been stretching out
have been stretching out
Future Perfect Progressive
will have been stretching out
will have been stretching out
will have been stretching out
will have been stretching out
will have been stretching out
will have been stretching out
Past Perfect Progressive
had been stretching out
had been stretching out
had been stretching out
had been stretching out
had been stretching out
had been stretching out
Conditional Perfect Progressive
would have been stretching out
would have been stretching out
would have been stretching out
would have been stretching out
would have been stretching out
would have been stretching out

Examples of stretch out

Example in EnglishTranslation in English
"But stretch out your hand "and touch all that he has, and he will curse you to your face. "
"Ever stretch out on a tombstone, Delores?"
"For now I will stretch out my hand, that I may smite thee "and thy people with pestilence;
"My arms stretch out to your embraces.
"Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life. You stretch out your hand against the anger of my foes, and with your right hand, you save me.
"But stretch out your hand "and touch all that he has, and he will curse you to your face. "
"Ever stretch out on a tombstone, Delores?"
"For now I will stretch out my hand, that I may smite thee "and thy people with pestilence;
"My arms stretch out to your embraces.
"Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life. You stretch out your hand against the anger of my foes, and with your right hand, you save me.
"you and I have memories longer than the road that stretches out ahead,"
Across 5,000 miles of ocean... the United States of America, your neighbor... stretches out its hand to Japan.
An arm stretches out.
And then Daniel gets down, just like this... and he stretches out in that corpse's place.
And when you stand up on top of it, the whole world stretches out around you.
"you and I have memories longer than the road that stretches out ahead,"
Across 5,000 miles of ocean... the United States of America, your neighbor... stretches out its hand to Japan.
An arm stretches out.
And then Daniel gets down, just like this... and he stretches out in that corpse's place.
And when you stand up on top of it, the whole world stretches out around you.
"...stretched out in endless rows, under the car shed. "Some lay stiff and still, but many withered in the hot sun.
"A curse on this earth stretched out over generations"
"And I will redeem you with a stretched out arm, and ye shall know that I am the Lord."
"And in groups stretched out across the sky.
"For by now I could have stretched out my hand and struck you and your people...
'This much,' said Little Nutbrown Hare, stretching out his arms as wide as they could go.
All that mattered now was the fire burning in Therlon's being... and the world stretching out beyond fairytale, in all directions.
Ancient stone fingers reaching for the sky, and stretching out over several Miles.
And although swimming in the cold sea cools them uncomfortably, with no predators around, they can soon put that right by stretching out in the sun.
And it goes without saying it is a very powerful group, these lodges, a very powerful octopus, with its arms stretching out all over the place.
"...stretched out in endless rows, under the car shed. "Some lay stiff and still, but many withered in the hot sun.
"A curse on this earth stretched out over generations"
"And I will redeem you with a stretched out arm, and ye shall know that I am the Lord."
"And in groups stretched out across the sky.
"For by now I could have stretched out my hand and struck you and your people...
'This much,' said Little Nutbrown Hare, stretching out his arms as wide as they could go.
All that mattered now was the fire burning in Therlon's being... and the world stretching out beyond fairytale, in all directions.
Ancient stone fingers reaching for the sky, and stretching out over several Miles.
And although swimming in the cold sea cools them uncomfortably, with no predators around, they can soon put that right by stretching out in the sun.
And it goes without saying it is a very powerful group, these lodges, a very powerful octopus, with its arms stretching out all over the place.

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