I was drifting through the tops of the trees, mountains,... and suddenly...smirch... | |
My own career is just one long brazen smirch of them. | |
This has been a painful necessity but I had to speak plainly lest your very innocence should smirch the purity I'm utterly resolved to maintain in my household. | |
What is it, then, to me, if impious war, array'd in flames like to the prince of fiends, do with his smirch'd complexion all fell feats enlink'd to waste and desolation? | |
Why had I not with charitable hand took up a beggar's issue at my gates, who smirch'd thus and mired with infamy, I might have said 'No part of it is mine; this shame derives itself from unknown loins'? | |
I was drifting through the tops of the trees, mountains,... and suddenly...smirch... | |
My own career is just one long brazen smirch of them. | |
This has been a painful necessity but I had to speak plainly lest your very innocence should smirch the purity I'm utterly resolved to maintain in my household. | |
What is it, then, to me, if impious war, array'd in flames like to the prince of fiends, do with his smirch'd complexion all fell feats enlink'd to waste and desolation? | |
Why had I not with charitable hand took up a beggar's issue at my gates, who smirch'd thus and mired with infamy, I might have said 'No part of it is mine; this shame derives itself from unknown loins'? | |
In any of the dominions or colonies. "hands off the british empire" is our maxim, And it must not be weakened or smirched | |
The one whose rightful place in history you have smirched! | |
And you, drunkard, preaching to him, smirching him with your descriptions of nature. | |
What is smirching? | |
In any of the dominions or colonies. "hands off the british empire" is our maxim, And it must not be weakened or smirched | |
The one whose rightful place in history you have smirched! | |
And you, drunkard, preaching to him, smirching him with your descriptions of nature. | |
What is smirching? | |