"Skeet was a frisky little Irish setter who early made friends with Buck. | |
- An Irish setter. | |
- Is it a setter? | |
- No, the coxswain is the setter of the pace, lads. | |
- What is he, some kind of a setter? | |
"Skeet was a frisky little Irish setter who early made friends with Buck. | |
- An Irish setter. | |
- Is it a setter? | |
- No, the coxswain is the setter of the pace, lads. | |
- What is he, some kind of a setter? | |
- Yeah, jet-setters. | |
But then crossword-setters aren't exactly famed for a lack of self-regard. | |
For example, the circuitry for spacial awareness is marginally faster in men, and women have slightly larger language setters. | |
Graphicer, printers, type-setters, tool and die makers ... | |
Graphicer, printers, type-setters, tool and die makers... | |
- Yeah, jet-setters. | |
But then crossword-setters aren't exactly famed for a lack of self-regard. | |
For example, the circuitry for spacial awareness is marginally faster in men, and women have slightly larger language setters. | |
Graphicer, printers, type-setters, tool and die makers ... | |
Graphicer, printers, type-setters, tool and die makers... | |