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Put to work (to ) conjugation

12 examples
This verb can also mean the following: force to work, give a job, use, work, put to use
you all
Present Simple
put to work
put to work
puts to work
put to work
put to work
put to work
Future Simple
will put to work
will put to work
will put to work
will put to work
will put to work
will put to work
Past Simple
put to work
put to work
put to work
put to work
put to work
put to work
Conditional Simple
would put to work
would put to work
would put to work
would put to work
would put to work
would put to work
you all
Present Progressive
am putting to work
are putting to work
is putting to work
are putting to work
are putting to work
are putting to work
Future Progressive
will be putting to work
will be putting to work
will be putting to work
will be putting to work
will be putting to work
will be putting to work
Past Progressive
was putting to work
were putting to work
was putting to work
were putting to work
were putting to work
were putting to work
Conditional Progressive
would be putting to work
would be putting to work
would be putting to work
would be putting to work
would be putting to work
would be putting to work
you all
Present Perfect
have put to work
have put to work
has put to work
have put to work
have put to work
have put to work
Future Perfect
will have put to work
will have put to work
will have put to work
will have put to work
will have put to work
will have put to work
Past Perfect
had put to work
had put to work
had put to work
had put to work
had put to work
had put to work
Conditional Perfect
would have put to work
would have put to work
would have put to work
would have put to work
would have put to work
would have put to work
Present Perfect Progressive
have been putting to work
have been putting to work
has been putting to work
have been putting to work
have been putting to work
have been putting to work
Future Perfect Progressive
will have been putting to work
will have been putting to work
will have been putting to work
will have been putting to work
will have been putting to work
will have been putting to work
Past Perfect Progressive
had been putting to work
had been putting to work
had been putting to work
had been putting to work
had been putting to work
had been putting to work
Conditional Perfect Progressive
would have been putting to work
would have been putting to work
would have been putting to work
would have been putting to work
would have been putting to work
would have been putting to work

Examples of put to work

Example in EnglishTranslation in English
After her repatriation, she was sent to Dresden, East Germany... and put to work in a cigarette factory.
All put to work in the woollen mills.
Anyway,during the Holocaust, when the first arrivals at the death camps realized they were going to be killed, they flew into a panic, so the guards-- the Nazis-- started telling them that they were going to be put to work,
But Nate soon found himself put to work on a Southern plantation.
Dr. Russell, I need to be put to work.
Alone you make sure of putting to work that other computer.
After her repatriation, she was sent to Dresden, East Germany... and put to work in a cigarette factory.
All put to work in the woollen mills.
Anyway,during the Holocaust, when the first arrivals at the death camps realized they were going to be killed, they flew into a panic, so the guards-- the Nazis-- started telling them that they were going to be put to work,
But Nate soon found himself put to work on a Southern plantation.
Dr. Russell, I need to be put to work.
Alone you make sure of putting to work that other computer.

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