"Is the subject of sex being overexploited by our mass media?" | |
OCEANA California Program Director 3/4 of fisheries are either "fully exploited or overexploited". | |
The UN reporterd that the 3/4 of world's fisheries are overexploited, fully exploited or nearly depleted, due to overfishing. | |
The other four are overexploited or fully exploited. | |
Worldwide, 80% of commercial fish stocks have been declared fully exploited or overexploited. | |
"Is the subject of sex being overexploited by our mass media?" | |
OCEANA California Program Director 3/4 of fisheries are either "fully exploited or overexploited". | |
The UN reporterd that the 3/4 of world's fisheries are overexploited, fully exploited or nearly depleted, due to overfishing. | |
The other four are overexploited or fully exploited. | |
Worldwide, 80% of commercial fish stocks have been declared fully exploited or overexploited. | |