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Map out (to ) conjugation

40 examples
This verb can also mean the following: organise a plan, organise, figure out a problem, create, do, analyze a situation
you all
Present Simple
map out
map out
maps out
map out
map out
map out
Future Simple
will map out
will map out
will map out
will map out
will map out
will map out
Past Simple
mapped out
mapped out
mapped out
mapped out
mapped out
mapped out
Conditional Simple
would map out
would map out
would map out
would map out
would map out
would map out
you all
Present Progressive
am mapping out
are mapping out
is mapping out
are mapping out
are mapping out
are mapping out
Future Progressive
will be mapping out
will be mapping out
will be mapping out
will be mapping out
will be mapping out
will be mapping out
Past Progressive
was mapping out
were mapping out
was mapping out
were mapping out
were mapping out
were mapping out
Conditional Progressive
would be mapping out
would be mapping out
would be mapping out
would be mapping out
would be mapping out
would be mapping out
you all
Present Perfect
have mapped out
have mapped out
has mapped out
have mapped out
have mapped out
have mapped out
Future Perfect
will have mapped out
will have mapped out
will have mapped out
will have mapped out
will have mapped out
will have mapped out
Past Perfect
had mapped out
had mapped out
had mapped out
had mapped out
had mapped out
had mapped out
Conditional Perfect
would have mapped out
would have mapped out
would have mapped out
would have mapped out
would have mapped out
would have mapped out
Present Perfect Progressive
have been mapping out
have been mapping out
has been mapping out
have been mapping out
have been mapping out
have been mapping out
Future Perfect Progressive
will have been mapping out
will have been mapping out
will have been mapping out
will have been mapping out
will have been mapping out
will have been mapping out
Past Perfect Progressive
had been mapping out
had been mapping out
had been mapping out
had been mapping out
had been mapping out
had been mapping out
Conditional Perfect Progressive
would have been mapping out
would have been mapping out
would have been mapping out
would have been mapping out
would have been mapping out
would have been mapping out

Examples of map out

Example in EnglishTranslation in English
"So, cool it, while I map out my campaign."
'Having successfully covered 300 yards, 'we got the map out so we could plan our next move. '
- ... as we map out the speech centers.
- Don't you think we should go out on our first date before you map out our entire future?
- I got the map out.
"So, cool it, while I map out my campaign."
'Having successfully covered 300 yards, 'we got the map out so we could plan our next move. '
- ... as we map out the speech centers.
- Don't you think we should go out on our first date before you map out our entire future?
- I got the map out.
- The guy that maps out a plane's flight path.
Get your maps out.
Pass these maps out, Treace.
Who maps out their life for the next 50 years And then throws themself out a window?
You already stole those blueprints and maps out of our observatory.
- The guy that maps out a plane's flight path.
Get your maps out.
Pass these maps out, Treace.
Who maps out their life for the next 50 years And then throws themself out a window?
You already stole those blueprints and maps out of our observatory.
"Alice got a scholarship." She'd got my whole life mapped out for herself.
"Margaret, Elaine and Miss Crompton carefully mapped out the city and its satellite suburbs. "
- Got it all mapped out.
- Has it ever struck you that our life is mapped out and every last second is accounted for?
- I got it all mapped out.
-I'm mapping out a behavioral strategy.
Except I just spent two weeks mapping out a route for a camping trip, - And I put a deposit down on an R.V.
First thing, we are mapping out logistics and security.
I have spent the last few hours mapping out every story you've ever told.
I'm just mapping out my route tonight.
"Alice got a scholarship." She'd got my whole life mapped out for herself.
"Margaret, Elaine and Miss Crompton carefully mapped out the city and its satellite suburbs. "
- Got it all mapped out.
- Has it ever struck you that our life is mapped out and every last second is accounted for?
- I got it all mapped out.
-I'm mapping out a behavioral strategy.
Except I just spent two weeks mapping out a route for a camping trip, - And I put a deposit down on an R.V.
First thing, we are mapping out logistics and security.
I have spent the last few hours mapping out every story you've ever told.
I'm just mapping out my route tonight.

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