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Make waves (to ) conjugation

38 examples
This verb can also mean the following: cause a disturbance, upset the status quo, upset, cause
you all
Present Simple
make waves
make waves
makes waves
make waves
make waves
make waves
Future Simple
will make waves
will make waves
will make waves
will make waves
will make waves
will make waves
Past Simple
made waves
made waves
made waves
made waves
made waves
made waves
Conditional Simple
would make waves
would make waves
would make waves
would make waves
would make waves
would make waves
you all
Present Progressive
am making waves
are making waves
is making waves
are making waves
are making waves
are making waves
Future Progressive
will be making waves
will be making waves
will be making waves
will be making waves
will be making waves
will be making waves
Past Progressive
was making waves
were making waves
was making waves
were making waves
were making waves
were making waves
Conditional Progressive
would be making waves
would be making waves
would be making waves
would be making waves
would be making waves
would be making waves
you all
Present Perfect
have made waves
have made waves
has made waves
have made waves
have made waves
have made waves
Future Perfect
will have made waves
will have made waves
will have made waves
will have made waves
will have made waves
will have made waves
Past Perfect
had made waves
had made waves
had made waves
had made waves
had made waves
had made waves
Conditional Perfect
would have made waves
would have made waves
would have made waves
would have made waves
would have made waves
would have made waves
Present Perfect Progressive
have been making waves
have been making waves
has been making waves
have been making waves
have been making waves
have been making waves
Future Perfect Progressive
will have been making waves
will have been making waves
will have been making waves
will have been making waves
will have been making waves
will have been making waves
Past Perfect Progressive
had been making waves
had been making waves
had been making waves
had been making waves
had been making waves
had been making waves
Conditional Perfect Progressive
would have been making waves
would have been making waves
would have been making waves
would have been making waves
would have been making waves
would have been making waves

Examples of make waves

Example in EnglishTranslation in English
- Don't make waves, you know?
- I don't wanna make waves.
- Like, I don't want to make waves.
- Think he might make waves?
After your phone call, the Defense minister will want to take over. She'll make waves and complicate matters.
- Don't make waves, you know?
- I don't wanna make waves.
- Like, I don't want to make waves.
- Think he might make waves?
After your phone call, the Defense minister will want to take over. She'll make waves and complicate matters.
If someone makes waves on my patch, I tend to know.
It makes waves.
The ones that makes waves.. ..move even water..
Watch out: drunk driving makes waves!
If someone makes waves on my patch, I tend to know.
It makes waves.
The ones that makes waves.. ..move even water..
Watch out: drunk driving makes waves!
"Kaos has made waves recently "with his iconoclastic video installations "decrying the crass commercialism
I heard the Nicholsons made waves for suing your OB.
I made waves!
I've never made waves...
That's where you guys first made waves.
- "Aquaman" is making waves, pal.
- Calder's already making waves.
- I said, you're making waves. - What the hell does going too fast... got to do with being in the Cannonball?
Always making waves.
But you just keep making waves, don't you?
"Kaos has made waves recently "with his iconoclastic video installations "decrying the crass commercialism
I heard the Nicholsons made waves for suing your OB.
I made waves!
I've never made waves...
That's where you guys first made waves.
- "Aquaman" is making waves, pal.
- Calder's already making waves.
- I said, you're making waves. - What the hell does going too fast... got to do with being in the Cannonball?
Always making waves.
But you just keep making waves, don't you?

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We have none.

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We have none.


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