# My soul doth magnify the Lord # | |
- Can you magnify that photograph? - Magnify it? | |
...and he shall magnify himself in his heart... . And by peace shall destroy many." | |
All it does is magnify your weakness. | |
Almighty God, to whom all hearts are open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hidden, cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love you and worthily magnify your Holy Name. | |
# My soul doth magnify the Lord # | |
- Can you magnify that photograph? - Magnify it? | |
...and he shall magnify himself in his heart... . And by peace shall destroy many." | |
All it does is magnify your weakness. | |
Almighty God, to whom all hearts are open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hidden, cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love you and worthily magnify your Holy Name. | |
- This just magnifies the sound. | |
A 3D microscope magnifies them up to 200 times and reveals how extraordinary complex the surface of a seed can be. | |
And I got you this paperweight that magnifies your baby picture. | |
Grief magnifies how we feel. | |
I have my Galileo telescope, which magnifies about sixfold. | |
- This just magnifies the sound. | |
A 3D microscope magnifies them up to 200 times and reveals how extraordinary complex the surface of a seed can be. | |
And I got you this paperweight that magnifies your baby picture. | |
Grief magnifies how we feel. | |
I have my Galileo telescope, which magnifies about sixfold. | |
"My soul was magnified, for today my eyes have seen a new miracle." | |
'Stop wearing a girls dress and.. ..let your beauty be magnified by a saree' | |
-Suddenly all the sounds were magnified. | |
-reduced and magnified at the same time. | |
A greatly magnified picture, General. | |
"God is a mean kid with a magnifying glass." | |
"I'm Dudley detective with a giant magnifying glass, | |
(Graham) As you taste your food, you look at salt as a magnifying glass. | |
- A magnifying glass. | |
- A magnifying glass. | |
"My soul was magnified, for today my eyes have seen a new miracle." | |
'Stop wearing a girls dress and.. ..let your beauty be magnified by a saree' | |
-Suddenly all the sounds were magnified. | |
-reduced and magnified at the same time. | |
A greatly magnified picture, General. | |
"God is a mean kid with a magnifying glass." | |
"I'm Dudley detective with a giant magnifying glass, | |
(Graham) As you taste your food, you look at salt as a magnifying glass. | |
- A magnifying glass. | |
- A magnifying glass. | |