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Give forth (to ) conjugation

16 examples
This verb can also mean the following: emit, release something, give, give off an emanation

Conjugation of give forth

you all
Present Simple
give forth
give forth
gives forth
give forth
give forth
give forth
Future Simple
will give forth
will give forth
will give forth
will give forth
will give forth
will give forth
Past Simple
gave forth
gave forth
gave forth
gave forth
gave forth
gave forth
Conditional Simple
would give forth
would give forth
would give forth
would give forth
would give forth
would give forth
you all
Present Progressive
am giving forth
are giving forth
is giving forth
are giving forth
are giving forth
are giving forth
Future Progressive
will be giving forth
will be giving forth
will be giving forth
will be giving forth
will be giving forth
will be giving forth
Past Progressive
was giving forth
were giving forth
was giving forth
were giving forth
were giving forth
were giving forth
Conditional Progressive
would be giving forth
would be giving forth
would be giving forth
would be giving forth
would be giving forth
would be giving forth
you all
Present Perfect
have given forth
have given forth
has given forth
have given forth
have given forth
have given forth
Future Perfect
will have given forth
will have given forth
will have given forth
will have given forth
will have given forth
will have given forth
Past Perfect
had given forth
had given forth
had given forth
had given forth
had given forth
had given forth
Conditional Perfect
would have given forth
would have given forth
would have given forth
would have given forth
would have given forth
would have given forth
Present Perfect Progressive
have been giving forth
have been giving forth
has been giving forth
have been giving forth
have been giving forth
have been giving forth
Future Perfect Progressive
will have been giving forth
will have been giving forth
will have been giving forth
will have been giving forth
will have been giving forth
will have been giving forth
Past Perfect Progressive
had been giving forth
had been giving forth
had been giving forth
had been giving forth
had been giving forth
had been giving forth
Conditional Perfect Progressive
would have been giving forth
would have been giving forth
would have been giving forth
would have been giving forth
would have been giving forth
would have been giving forth

Examples of give forth

Example in EnglishTranslation in English
But give forth to me your fry, Red One, and secrets told shall be.
Her eyes set in heaven would give forth such light that birds would sing and think it were not night.
It didn't want to actually... give forth.
On a moonlit night, give forth your golden radiance
But give forth to me your fry, Red One, and secrets told shall be.
Her eyes set in heaven would give forth such light that birds would sing and think it were not night.
It didn't want to actually... give forth.
On a moonlit night, give forth your golden radiance
The body gives forth. Usual thing.
The lily gives forth perfume when the young God rises.
This pump, ...which gives forth as much as it receives, ...is regarded as a symbol of courage and generosity.
The body gives forth. Usual thing.
The lily gives forth perfume when the young God rises.
This pump, ...which gives forth as much as it receives, ...is regarded as a symbol of courage and generosity.
When your idea gave forth no word, my word gave forth no image, I worked marvels for eyes and ears to witness.
When your idea gave forth no word, my word gave forth no image, I worked marvels for eyes and ears to witness.

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We have none.


Not found
We have none.

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We have none.


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None found.