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Game the system (to ) conjugation

30 examples
This verb can also mean the following: use, use the rules and procedures

Conjugation of game the system

you all
Present Simple
game the system
game the system
games the system
game the system
game the system
game the system
Future Simple
will game the system
will game the system
will game the system
will game the system
will game the system
will game the system
Past Simple
gamed the system
gamed the system
gamed the system
gamed the system
gamed the system
gamed the system
Conditional Simple
would game the system
would game the system
would game the system
would game the system
would game the system
would game the system
you all
Present Progressive
am gaming the system
are gaming the system
is gaming the system
are gaming the system
are gaming the system
are gaming the system
Future Progressive
will be gaming the system
will be gaming the system
will be gaming the system
will be gaming the system
will be gaming the system
will be gaming the system
Past Progressive
was gaming the system
were gaming the system
was gaming the system
were gaming the system
were gaming the system
were gaming the system
Conditional Progressive
would be gaming the system
would be gaming the system
would be gaming the system
would be gaming the system
would be gaming the system
would be gaming the system
you all
Present Perfect
have gamed the system
have gamed the system
has gamed the system
have gamed the system
have gamed the system
have gamed the system
Future Perfect
will have gamed the system
will have gamed the system
will have gamed the system
will have gamed the system
will have gamed the system
will have gamed the system
Past Perfect
had gamed the system
had gamed the system
had gamed the system
had gamed the system
had gamed the system
had gamed the system
Conditional Perfect
would have gamed the system
would have gamed the system
would have gamed the system
would have gamed the system
would have gamed the system
would have gamed the system
Present Perfect Progressive
have been gaming the system
have been gaming the system
has been gaming the system
have been gaming the system
have been gaming the system
have been gaming the system
Future Perfect Progressive
will have been gaming the system
will have been gaming the system
will have been gaming the system
will have been gaming the system
will have been gaming the system
will have been gaming the system
Past Perfect Progressive
had been gaming the system
had been gaming the system
had been gaming the system
had been gaming the system
had been gaming the system
had been gaming the system
Conditional Perfect Progressive
would have been gaming the system
would have been gaming the system
would have been gaming the system
would have been gaming the system
would have been gaming the system
would have been gaming the system

Examples of game the system

Example in EnglishTranslation in English
But I am not gonna let this Cynthia Reid woman game the system with her money.
But I think if you show trust, then what tends to happen is that you reduced the incentive to game the system substantially.
Come on. You can't game the system like that, okay?
Even if the DNA is a match for Durant, as long as he has his blackmail files, he can game the system and walk.
Guy really knows how to game the system.
But I am not gonna let this Cynthia Reid woman game the system with her money.
But I think if you show trust, then what tends to happen is that you reduced the incentive to game the system substantially.
Come on. You can't game the system like that, okay?
Even if the DNA is a match for Durant, as long as he has his blackmail files, he can game the system and walk.
Guy really knows how to game the system.
- they gamed the system.
And the only reason you weren't sent an identical warning letter is because you gamed the system,
Robert Riley went to prison because Emmett Harrington gamed the system, and we should've caught it.
You gamed the system.
You got sent to Statesville, gamed the system to be released.
- That was him gaming the system.
And criminals have been gaming the system forever, and if I don't game them back, I'm a sucker.
He and his team have been gaming the system for years.
He's been gaming the system ever since Amber died.
He's gaming the system.
- they gamed the system.
And the only reason you weren't sent an identical warning letter is because you gamed the system,
Robert Riley went to prison because Emmett Harrington gamed the system, and we should've caught it.
You gamed the system.
You got sent to Statesville, gamed the system to be released.
- That was him gaming the system.
And criminals have been gaming the system forever, and if I don't game them back, I'm a sucker.
He and his team have been gaming the system for years.
He's been gaming the system ever since Amber died.
He's gaming the system.

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