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Fall down on (to ) conjugation

46 examples
This verb can also mean the following: prostrate, fail, leave incomplete, collapse so that the remains are on top of, stumble, collapse, prostrate in a position that rests on, fail at

Conjugation of fall down on

you all
Present Simple
fall down on
fall down on
falls down on
fall down on
fall down on
fall down on
Future Simple
will fall down on
will fall down on
will fall down on
will fall down on
will fall down on
will fall down on
Past Simple
fell down on
fell down on
fell down on
fell down on
fell down on
fell down on
Conditional Simple
would fall down on
would fall down on
would fall down on
would fall down on
would fall down on
would fall down on
you all
Present Progressive
am falling down on
are falling down on
is falling down on
are falling down on
are falling down on
are falling down on
Future Progressive
will be falling down on
will be falling down on
will be falling down on
will be falling down on
will be falling down on
will be falling down on
Past Progressive
was falling down on
were falling down on
was falling down on
were falling down on
were falling down on
were falling down on
Conditional Progressive
would be falling down on
would be falling down on
would be falling down on
would be falling down on
would be falling down on
would be falling down on
you all
Present Perfect
have fallen down on
have fallen down on
has fallen down on
have fallen down on
have fallen down on
have fallen down on
Future Perfect
will have fallen down on
will have fallen down on
will have fallen down on
will have fallen down on
will have fallen down on
will have fallen down on
Past Perfect
had fallen down on
had fallen down on
had fallen down on
had fallen down on
had fallen down on
had fallen down on
Conditional Perfect
would have fallen down on
would have fallen down on
would have fallen down on
would have fallen down on
would have fallen down on
would have fallen down on
Present Perfect Progressive
have been falling down on
have been falling down on
has been falling down on
have been falling down on
have been falling down on
have been falling down on
Future Perfect Progressive
will have been falling down on
will have been falling down on
will have been falling down on
will have been falling down on
will have been falling down on
will have been falling down on
Past Perfect Progressive
had been falling down on
had been falling down on
had been falling down on
had been falling down on
had been falling down on
had been falling down on
Conditional Perfect Progressive
would have been falling down on
would have been falling down on
would have been falling down on
would have been falling down on
would have been falling down on
would have been falling down on

Examples of fall down on

Example in EnglishTranslation in English
- I've lived in that fucking shed since I was six years old and... and it didn't just fall down on it's own!
A Horse a-fall down on Maggie?
And I spend half the day thinking about what happens if I slip and fall down on my own front porch, you know?
And since all health food tastes like when you fall down on the lawn,
But if you lived up there... then all this stuff... all this stuff in my room... would fall down on you and crush you... and you'd die.
- I've lived in that fucking shed since I was six years old and... and it didn't just fall down on it's own!
A Horse a-fall down on Maggie?
And I spend half the day thinking about what happens if I slip and fall down on my own front porch, you know?
And since all health food tastes like when you fall down on the lawn,
But if you lived up there... then all this stuff... all this stuff in my room... would fall down on you and crush you... and you'd die.
(whispers) go get 'em. ♪ rain falls down on the desert sand ♪
And falls down on the floor.
And he falls down on the bats pretty good, too, Dad.
Fred, not everybody falls down on his face in front of the girl he loves.
It always falls down on Major Case.
(whispers) go get 'em. ♪ rain falls down on the desert sand ♪
And falls down on the floor.
And he falls down on the bats pretty good, too, Dad.
Fred, not everybody falls down on his face in front of the girl he loves.
It always falls down on Major Case.
# I went down to the crossroads # # fell down on my knees -- #
- I fell down on the shampoo ...
- No, it fell down on its own.
A tree branch fell down on our car.
And he fell down on his knees.
# I went down to the crossroads # # fell down on my knees -- #
- I fell down on the shampoo ...
- No, it fell down on its own.
A tree branch fell down on our car.
And he fell down on his knees.
# I cannot face this world # That's fallen down on me
And it looks like critters have been up here because some have fallen down on the insulation.
captain ther is a medical emergency a passenger has just fallen down on the aisle delhi air india 11 returning to medical emergency
A little abject hand-wringing, chest pounding, falling down on my hands and knees.
And his jaw just snapping away.... and falling down on top of him and laughing...
And it was like soft rain falling down on me.
And then here comes all of these panties, different colours, falling down on the audience.
Because I was thinking that maybe your bosses back home are a little huffy at you for falling down on the job, and you're looking to deal.
# I cannot face this world # That's fallen down on me
And it looks like critters have been up here because some have fallen down on the insulation.
captain ther is a medical emergency a passenger has just fallen down on the aisle delhi air india 11 returning to medical emergency
A little abject hand-wringing, chest pounding, falling down on my hands and knees.
And his jaw just snapping away.... and falling down on top of him and laughing...
And it was like soft rain falling down on me.
And then here comes all of these panties, different colours, falling down on the audience.
Because I was thinking that maybe your bosses back home are a little huffy at you for falling down on the job, and you're looking to deal.

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