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Double down (to ) conjugation

36 examples
This verb can also mean the following: double wager, other commitment, double, time, peter beinart
you all
Present Simple
double down
double down
doubles down
double down
double down
double down
Future Simple
will double down
will double down
will double down
will double down
will double down
will double down
Past Simple
doubled down
doubled down
doubled down
doubled down
doubled down
doubled down
Conditional Simple
would double down
would double down
would double down
would double down
would double down
would double down
you all
Present Progressive
am doubling down
are doubling down
is doubling down
are doubling down
are doubling down
are doubling down
Future Progressive
will be doubling down
will be doubling down
will be doubling down
will be doubling down
will be doubling down
will be doubling down
Past Progressive
was doubling down
were doubling down
was doubling down
were doubling down
were doubling down
were doubling down
Conditional Progressive
would be doubling down
would be doubling down
would be doubling down
would be doubling down
would be doubling down
would be doubling down
you all
Present Perfect
have doubled down
have doubled down
has doubled down
have doubled down
have doubled down
have doubled down
Future Perfect
will have doubled down
will have doubled down
will have doubled down
will have doubled down
will have doubled down
will have doubled down
Past Perfect
had doubled down
had doubled down
had doubled down
had doubled down
had doubled down
had doubled down
Conditional Perfect
would have doubled down
would have doubled down
would have doubled down
would have doubled down
would have doubled down
would have doubled down
Present Perfect Progressive
have been doubling down
have been doubling down
has been doubling down
have been doubling down
have been doubling down
have been doubling down
Future Perfect Progressive
will have been doubling down
will have been doubling down
will have been doubling down
will have been doubling down
will have been doubling down
will have been doubling down
Past Perfect Progressive
had been doubling down
had been doubling down
had been doubling down
had been doubling down
had been doubling down
had been doubling down
Conditional Perfect Progressive
would have been doubling down
would have been doubling down
would have been doubling down
would have been doubling down
would have been doubling down
would have been doubling down

Examples of double down

Example in EnglishTranslation in English
- And you said "double down."
- Hilary, I want you to dial 9 and then 1, and if stuff gets real, double down on that 1.
- I'll double down on that for my wife, too.
- I'm gonna double down.
- Ladies, don't you always double down on an 11?
- And you said "double down."
- Hilary, I want you to dial 9 and then 1, and if stuff gets real, double down on that 1.
- I'll double down on that for my wife, too.
- I'm gonna double down.
- Ladies, don't you always double down on an 11?
He doubles down !
When he's in trouble, he doubles down.
You gonna be the guy that doubles down, or the guy that gets up when the table is hot?
He doubles down !
When he's in trouble, he doubles down.
You gonna be the guy that doubles down, or the guy that gets up when the table is hot?
- He doubled down on Grayson.
- I doubled down.
And if he lost, if would've doubled down on how long it would take the cockroach to come back out.
But the most pathetic part isn't that my father doubled down on the wrong bets over and over again, it's that he was never man enough to admit to himself that he was a sinking ship.
Even though my mom bribed Erica to say "I love you," she was so giddy with the results that she doubled down.
Apparently, the Espheni are doubling down on their search for us.
Execution scheduled in two days, and the justices who weren't doubling down just gave their opinion.
He's doubling down.
I'm doubling down here.
I'm doubling down on life. Hmm.
- He doubled down on Grayson.
- I doubled down.
And if he lost, if would've doubled down on how long it would take the cockroach to come back out.
But the most pathetic part isn't that my father doubled down on the wrong bets over and over again, it's that he was never man enough to admit to himself that he was a sinking ship.
Even though my mom bribed Erica to say "I love you," she was so giddy with the results that she doubled down.
Apparently, the Espheni are doubling down on their search for us.
Execution scheduled in two days, and the justices who weren't doubling down just gave their opinion.
He's doubling down.
I'm doubling down here.
I'm doubling down on life. Hmm.

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