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Double check (to ) conjugation

34 examples
This verb can also mean the following: check, check with extra caution, check again, verify, make sure
you all
Present Simple
double check
double check
double checks
double check
double check
double check
Future Simple
will double check
will double check
will double check
will double check
will double check
will double check
Past Simple
double checked
double checked
double checked
double checked
double checked
double checked
Conditional Simple
would double check
would double check
would double check
would double check
would double check
would double check
you all
Present Progressive
am double checking
are double checking
is double checking
are double checking
are double checking
are double checking
Future Progressive
will be double checking
will be double checking
will be double checking
will be double checking
will be double checking
will be double checking
Past Progressive
was double checking
were double checking
was double checking
were double checking
were double checking
were double checking
Conditional Progressive
would be double checking
would be double checking
would be double checking
would be double checking
would be double checking
would be double checking
you all
Present Perfect
have double checked
have double checked
has double checked
have double checked
have double checked
have double checked
Future Perfect
will have double checked
will have double checked
will have double checked
will have double checked
will have double checked
will have double checked
Past Perfect
had double checked
had double checked
had double checked
had double checked
had double checked
had double checked
Conditional Perfect
would have double checked
would have double checked
would have double checked
would have double checked
would have double checked
would have double checked
Present Perfect Progressive
have been double checking
have been double checking
has been double checking
have been double checking
have been double checking
have been double checking
Future Perfect Progressive
will have been double checking
will have been double checking
will have been double checking
will have been double checking
will have been double checking
will have been double checking
Past Perfect Progressive
had been double checking
had been double checking
had been double checking
had been double checking
had been double checking
had been double checking
Conditional Perfect Progressive
would have been double checking
would have been double checking
would have been double checking
would have been double checking
would have been double checking
would have been double checking

Examples of double check

Example in EnglishTranslation in English
- Guard, double check that the prisoners are secure.
- I want to double check everything.
- I'll just check and double check.
- I'm just going to double check it.
- Let's double check.
- Guard, double check that the prisoners are secure.
- I want to double check everything.
- I'll just check and double check.
- I'm just going to double check it.
- Let's double check.
Ever since, security double checks all deliveries.
[Announcer] Ahmed double checks the address of the site so there are no mistakes.
Ever since, security double checks all deliveries.
[Announcer] Ahmed double checks the address of the site so there are no mistakes.
- We double checked.
As soon as I have double checked that I am truly prepared.
Because you went on, I double checked on Strange.
Checked and double checked like everyone else working on this project.
Colonel, I have double checked with Caruso's office and they say the list is still incomplete.
- I am just double checking.
And if he's smart, he's got someone double checking his work.
Are you double checking this?
Do you think I invited a lot investors without double checking it?
I was double checking.
- We double checked.
As soon as I have double checked that I am truly prepared.
Because you went on, I double checked on Strange.
Checked and double checked like everyone else working on this project.
Colonel, I have double checked with Caruso's office and they say the list is still incomplete.
- I am just double checking.
And if he's smart, he's got someone double checking his work.
Are you double checking this?
Do you think I invited a lot investors without double checking it?
I was double checking.

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