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Dial down (to ) conjugation

24 examples
This verb can also mean the following: reduce, diminish in effect

Conjugation of dial down

you all
Present Simple
dial down
dial down
dials down
dial down
dial down
dial down
Future Simple
will dial down
will dial down
will dial down
will dial down
will dial down
will dial down
Past Simple
dialed down
dialed down
dialed down
dialed down
dialed down
dialed down
Conditional Simple
would dial down
would dial down
would dial down
would dial down
would dial down
would dial down
you all
Present Progressive
am dialing down
are dialing down
is dialing down
are dialing down
are dialing down
are dialing down
Future Progressive
will be dialing down
will be dialing down
will be dialing down
will be dialing down
will be dialing down
will be dialing down
Past Progressive
was dialing down
were dialing down
was dialing down
were dialing down
were dialing down
were dialing down
Conditional Progressive
would be dialing down
would be dialing down
would be dialing down
would be dialing down
would be dialing down
would be dialing down
you all
Present Perfect
have dialed down
have dialed down
has dialed down
have dialed down
have dialed down
have dialed down
Future Perfect
will have dialed down
will have dialed down
will have dialed down
will have dialed down
will have dialed down
will have dialed down
Past Perfect
had dialed down
had dialed down
had dialed down
had dialed down
had dialed down
had dialed down
Conditional Perfect
would have dialed down
would have dialed down
would have dialed down
would have dialed down
would have dialed down
would have dialed down
Present Perfect Progressive
have been dialing down
have been dialing down
has been dialing down
have been dialing down
have been dialing down
have been dialing down
Future Perfect Progressive
will have been dialing down
will have been dialing down
will have been dialing down
will have been dialing down
will have been dialing down
will have been dialing down
Past Perfect Progressive
had been dialing down
had been dialing down
had been dialing down
had been dialing down
had been dialing down
had been dialing down
Conditional Perfect Progressive
would have been dialing down
would have been dialing down
would have been dialing down
would have been dialing down
would have been dialing down
would have been dialing down

Examples of dial down

Example in EnglishTranslation in English
- And Fries is gonna have to dial down the criminal activities 'til this thing comes to trial again.
- We've got to dial down our natural charm so we fit in with the rest of... the others.
-We're trying to dial down the crazy.
Any chance you could dial down the twinkle?
But I'm gonna need you to dial down the snark just a couple of notches.
- And Fries is gonna have to dial down the criminal activities 'til this thing comes to trial again.
- We've got to dial down our natural charm so we fit in with the rest of... the others.
-We're trying to dial down the crazy.
Any chance you could dial down the twinkle?
But I'm gonna need you to dial down the snark just a couple of notches.
Jennifer dials down the gun from its maximum muzzle speed and prays her cannister and its payload will survive.
That always dials down the pressure.
Jennifer dials down the gun from its maximum muzzle speed and prays her cannister and its payload will survive.
That always dials down the pressure.
He dialed down my meds, and he doesn't look at me like I'm a bobblehead the way I catch mom and dad sometimes.
Maybe I should've dialed down the Doubting Thomas.
They must've dialed down the morphine.
Hey, you, next time try dialing down the acting a notch.
Let's just... sit down my... rational people and start... dialing down my debt.
He dialed down my meds, and he doesn't look at me like I'm a bobblehead the way I catch mom and dad sometimes.
Maybe I should've dialed down the Doubting Thomas.
They must've dialed down the morphine.
Hey, you, next time try dialing down the acting a notch.
Let's just... sit down my... rational people and start... dialing down my debt.

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We have none.

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We have none.


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