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Change hands (to ) conjugation

40 examples
This verb can also mean the following: become, do, be bought

Conjugation of change hands

you all
Present Simple
change hands
change hands
changes hands
change hands
change hands
change hands
Future Simple
will change hands
will change hands
will change hands
will change hands
will change hands
will change hands
Past Simple
changed hands
changed hands
changed hands
changed hands
changed hands
changed hands
Conditional Simple
would change hands
would change hands
would change hands
would change hands
would change hands
would change hands
you all
Present Progressive
am changing hands
are changing hands
is changing hands
are changing hands
are changing hands
are changing hands
Future Progressive
will be changing hands
will be changing hands
will be changing hands
will be changing hands
will be changing hands
will be changing hands
Past Progressive
was changing hands
were changing hands
was changing hands
were changing hands
were changing hands
were changing hands
Conditional Progressive
would be changing hands
would be changing hands
would be changing hands
would be changing hands
would be changing hands
would be changing hands
you all
Present Perfect
have changed hands
have changed hands
has changed hands
have changed hands
have changed hands
have changed hands
Future Perfect
will have changed hands
will have changed hands
will have changed hands
will have changed hands
will have changed hands
will have changed hands
Past Perfect
had changed hands
had changed hands
had changed hands
had changed hands
had changed hands
had changed hands
Conditional Perfect
would have changed hands
would have changed hands
would have changed hands
would have changed hands
would have changed hands
would have changed hands
Present Perfect Progressive
have been changing hands
have been changing hands
has been changing hands
have been changing hands
have been changing hands
have been changing hands
Future Perfect Progressive
will have been changing hands
will have been changing hands
will have been changing hands
will have been changing hands
will have been changing hands
will have been changing hands
Past Perfect Progressive
had been changing hands
had been changing hands
had been changing hands
had been changing hands
had been changing hands
had been changing hands
Conditional Perfect Progressive
would have been changing hands
would have been changing hands
would have been changing hands
would have been changing hands
would have been changing hands
would have been changing hands

Examples of change hands

Example in EnglishTranslation in English
"earnings among players cannot change hands after the game."
- He didn't change hands._BAR_
ALICIA: Actually, uh, money has to change hands.
Although here, too, the seat was unlikely to change hands.
Ambulances change hands from shift to shift.
"earnings among players cannot change hands after the game."
- He didn't change hands._BAR_
ALICIA: Actually, uh, money has to change hands.
Although here, too, the seat was unlikely to change hands.
Ambulances change hands from shift to shift.
- Money changes hands, McGee.
All right, everybody, sit tight until the money changes hands, okay?
All we're asking for is a signed location agreement before any money changes hands.
And if money changes hands, you're all going to jail.
And then get them to stamp your passport with all sorts of different times and stamps, when a little money changes hands.
- Money changes hands, McGee.
All right, everybody, sit tight until the money changes hands, okay?
All we're asking for is a signed location agreement before any money changes hands.
And if money changes hands, you're all going to jail.
And then get them to stamp your passport with all sorts of different times and stamps, when a little money changes hands.
- He wouldn't mind if she changed hands.
- It changed hands during the crusades. - We had the Romans.
- Well, it just changed hands.
57 captives were returned safely. 15 transactions failed before money changed hands, and 18 after.
All that changed hands was some quinine water and a roast duck.
- Any money changing hands?
2,000 years sinking lower and lower into the mud, then dug up by the plough of a peasant, changing hands every year until at last it comes to its rightful place.
A lot of cash is going to be changing hands.
A lot of money changing hands.
All those cash deposits. Millions of dollars in small bills changing hands.
- He wouldn't mind if she changed hands.
- It changed hands during the crusades. - We had the Romans.
- Well, it just changed hands.
57 captives were returned safely. 15 transactions failed before money changed hands, and 18 after.
All that changed hands was some quinine water and a roast duck.
- Any money changing hands?
2,000 years sinking lower and lower into the mud, then dug up by the plough of a peasant, changing hands every year until at last it comes to its rightful place.
A lot of cash is going to be changing hands.
A lot of money changing hands.
All those cash deposits. Millions of dollars in small bills changing hands.

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