Bite the bullet (to ) conjugation

24 examples
This verb can also mean the following: accept, endure a punishment, do, endure, consequence with dignity

Conjugation of bite the bullet

you all
Present Simple
bite the bullet
bite the bullet
bites the bullet
bite the bullet
bite the bullet
bite the bullet
Future Simple
will bite the bullet
will bite the bullet
will bite the bullet
will bite the bullet
will bite the bullet
will bite the bullet
Past Simple
bit the bullet
bit the bullet
bit the bullet
bit the bullet
bit the bullet
bit the bullet
Conditional Simple
would bite the bullet
would bite the bullet
would bite the bullet
would bite the bullet
would bite the bullet
would bite the bullet
you all
Present Progressive
am biting the bullet
are biting the bullet
is biting the bullet
are biting the bullet
are biting the bullet
are biting the bullet
Future Progressive
will be biting the bullet
will be biting the bullet
will be biting the bullet
will be biting the bullet
will be biting the bullet
will be biting the bullet
Past Progressive
was biting the bullet
were biting the bullet
was biting the bullet
were biting the bullet
were biting the bullet
were biting the bullet
Conditional Progressive
would be biting the bullet
would be biting the bullet
would be biting the bullet
would be biting the bullet
would be biting the bullet
would be biting the bullet
you all
Present Perfect
have bit the bullet
have bit the bullet
has bit the bullet
have bit the bullet
have bit the bullet
have bit the bullet
Future Perfect
will have bit the bullet
will have bit the bullet
will have bit the bullet
will have bit the bullet
will have bit the bullet
will have bit the bullet
Past Perfect
had bit the bullet
had bit the bullet
had bit the bullet
had bit the bullet
had bit the bullet
had bit the bullet
Conditional Perfect
would have bit the bullet
would have bit the bullet
would have bit the bullet
would have bit the bullet
would have bit the bullet
would have bit the bullet
Present Perfect Progressive
have been biting the bullet
have been biting the bullet
has been biting the bullet
have been biting the bullet
have been biting the bullet
have been biting the bullet
Future Perfect Progressive
will have been biting the bullet
will have been biting the bullet
will have been biting the bullet
will have been biting the bullet
will have been biting the bullet
will have been biting the bullet
Past Perfect Progressive
had been biting the bullet
had been biting the bullet
had been biting the bullet
had been biting the bullet
had been biting the bullet
had been biting the bullet
Conditional Perfect Progressive
would have been biting the bullet
would have been biting the bullet
would have been biting the bullet
would have been biting the bullet
would have been biting the bullet
would have been biting the bullet

Examples of bite the bullet

Example in EnglishTranslation in English
"and we bite the bullet? - You'll escape,..." when the going gets hot.
- Specifically the role-playing behavior of men in professional pornography. - To do this I have to bite the bullet and watch something like this once.
- We gotta just bite the bullet on this thing.
All right, the chance of either one of us leaving while people are still dying out there -- You might as well bite the bullet and work with me on this one.
And at a certain point, I just have to bite the bullet and admit it is not happening.
"and we bite the bullet? - You'll escape,..." when the going gets hot.
- Specifically the role-playing behavior of men in professional pornography. - To do this I have to bite the bullet and watch something like this once.
- We gotta just bite the bullet on this thing.
All right, the chance of either one of us leaving while people are still dying out there -- You might as well bite the bullet and work with me on this one.
And at a certain point, I just have to bite the bullet and admit it is not happening.
He bites the bullet, and he does what it takes to serve the Republic at all costs.
He bites the bullet, and he does what it takes to serve the Republic at all costs.
Benjamin bit the bullet.
Now, we all know that last week, half of this great nation of ours almost bit the bullet if it wasn't for this man here.
Or we could just be engaged and live in New York while I'm dancing and you're going to college, but that puts me in the why-buy-the-cow... when-you-can-get- the-milk-for-free category, so we're just going to have to bit the bullet and get married.
So I bit the bullet and told them I could no longer take their wedding because, I don't know, it doesn't seem right, somehow.
They bit the bullet and showed up for duty only to get their tours extended as reward.
Why are you biting the bullet on this?
Benjamin bit the bullet.
Now, we all know that last week, half of this great nation of ours almost bit the bullet if it wasn't for this man here.
Or we could just be engaged and live in New York while I'm dancing and you're going to college, but that puts me in the why-buy-the-cow... when-you-can-get- the-milk-for-free category, so we're just going to have to bit the bullet and get married.
So I bit the bullet and told them I could no longer take their wedding because, I don't know, it doesn't seem right, somehow.
They bit the bullet and showed up for duty only to get their tours extended as reward.
Why are you biting the bullet on this?

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