Mis ajast sa pätte teenindad? | When you'd start catering to the lowrents. |
Sinu kriminaalvõrgustik teenindab ebanormaalseid, õigus? | Your crime network caters to abnormals, right? |
Ta juhatab limusiinifirmat, mis teenindab Albiinot. | He runs a limo service that caters to the Albino. |
Me teenindame eliiti. Creme de la creme. | We cater to the elite, the crème de la crème. |
Mis ajast me pulmi teenindame? | Since when do we cater weddings? |
Uudised jõudsid minuni erahaiglas, mis teenindas Inglise patsiente. | The news reached me at a private hospital that catered exclusively to English patients. |
Me asustus ei teeninda põllumehi ja kitsekarjuseid. | Our establishment doesn't cater to ploughmen and goat herders. |
Me asutus ei teeninda põllumehi ja kitsekarjuseid. | Our establishment doesn't cater to ploughmen and goat herders. |
Ma lasen stuudio inimestel siia sind teenindama tulla. | I will have the studio people over here catering to you. |
Me sooviks hoida butiigi stiilis... opereerimise stiili, nii et me suudaks teenindada iga liiget. | We want to maintain a boutiquelike style- of operating style So that we can cater to each member. |