Loodan, et täna ma skoorin. | -I hope l score. Oh, boy! Oh, boy! |
Ma skoorin täna. | -I am so gonna score. |
Ma skoorin. | I score. |
Mina skoorin, sina riietud lahti. | I score, you strip. |
Omavahel öeldes sa skoorid. | TechnicaIly speaking, JiIl,you scored. |
Sel hetkel, kui sa skoorid võidupunkti või 5 kontrolltöös. | The moment you score a winning point or ace a test. |
Sina skoorid, kukub minult midagi. | You score, I drop something. |
- Ta skoorib! - (JÄLLE AHTI SIREENIDEGA) | He scores! |
- Ta skoorib! | - He scores! |
Ja Richie skoorib! | And Richie scores! |
Tähtis on see, et me üldse skoorime. | It only matters that we score. |
- Laske edasi kuni skoorite, pall läheb välja või kui keegi sureb. | - You just keep going until you score, the ball goes out, or someone dies. |
Aga kui nad skoorivad, siis on kõik läbi. | Unless they score again, then it'll be all over, man. |
Ja nad skoorivad! | And they'll score! |
- Ka mina skoorisin peol. | - I scored at the party too. |
Aga mul ei ole kahju, et ma mängu ja mul ei ole kahju, et ma skoorisin. | But I'm not sorry I stayed in the game, and I'm not sorry I scored. |
Dude, ma skoorisin touchdowni, mees! | Dude, I scored a touchdown, man! |
Kuid sügisel sa skoorisid tõeliselt hästi. | But it was in the fall that you really scored. |
Kuula, sa skoorisid täna absoluutselt võimsalt. | Listen, you scored an absolute belter tonight, love. |
Lucky Luc skooris viimasel hetkel! | Lucky Luc has scored for the Penguins with under a second to go! |
Malina Birch skooris kohtunikelt 9.25 punkti ning see on ka tänane kõrgeim skoor. | One away. Malina Birch has scored a 9. 25 according to the judges, and that is a high score. |
Meie vaateväljas siin tundus kohe kindlalt, et Ernie Davis skooris selles mängus. | It certainly appeared from our vantage point here that Ernie Davis has scored on this play. |
Me just skoorisime. | We just scored. |
Sina skooriksid nendes valdkondades rohkem. | You would score more in all of those areas. |
- Avasime skoori. | - We scored. |
- Libise koju, skoori,swingi tanstupõrandal. | Slide home,you score, swingin on the dance floor. |
Inglise kapten Danny "Kuri Masin" Meehan on litsenseeritud skoorima Umbroga. | England captain Danny "Mean Machine" Meehan... is licensed to score with Umbro. |
Kui sul on 2.0. siis pead skoorima vähemalt 1050 SATis,' et saada atleedi stipendiumit. | If you have a 2.0, you have to score at least 1 050 on the SAT to be eligible for an athletic scholarship. |
Eile õhtul üritasin sind lihtsalt vallutada, tead küll, skoorida? | Last night I was just trying to nail you, you know, score? |
Et skoorida 10ga oleks tore aga ma pigem riietun 9ga see on tõde mida ei saa ümber lükata | To score a ten would be just fine But I'd rather be dressed to the nines It's a truth you can't refute |
Kas sa tead, kust me saaks head jäätist skoorida? | Hey, uh, you know where we could score some good gelato? No. |
Ma ütlen ainult, et kumbki meist pole temaga veel skoorinud, kas tead? | All I'm saying is neither of us have scored with her, you know? |