Ütlesid, et Pihtijate Ema juhindub ainult mõistusest? | You said the Mother Confessor is guided by reason alone? |
Võib-olla juhinduvad nad päikesest või tähtedest. Võimalik ka, et pärast tuhandete põlvkondade retki juhib neid mingi nähtamatu sisemine kompass. | Perhaps they were assisted by the sun. or the stars. or maybe having taken this march for thousands of generations... ...they are guided by some invisible compass within them. |
Nagu ka H.G. Wells oli näinud ette, et - seda valitsust peaks kontrollima teaduslik diktatuur ning see peaks juhinduma eugeenika põhimõtetest. | Just as H. G. Wells had envisioned, - this government would be controlled by a scientific dictatorship and would be guided by the principles of Eugenics. Huxley created - the World Wildlife Fund with Bilderberg founder, and former S.S. - |
Inimene võib juhinduda oma humaansusest või millestki muust. | I believe it comes to this... a man can be guided by his humanity... or by something else. |