Ma eksperimenteerin, mees. | I'm experimenting, man. |
Ma eksperimenteerin. | I'm an experimentalist. |
Neil on üks... segamise masin, millega saab teha kokteile ja kui mul hakkab igav, siis ma eksperimenteerin. | They've got one of them blending machines, you know, for the mix-ins and whenever l get bored l do experiments. |
Kui sa näiteks oled kutt, kes eksperimenteerib šimpansidega ja siis ajavad šimpansid sind puu otsa lõksu. | Like, if you're a guy that does experiments on chimpanzees, and then you're trapped in a tree by a bunch of chimpanzees, |
Ta eksperimenteerib mu tütrega nagu laborihiirega. | He's running experiments on her like she's a guinea pig. |
- Me veel eksperimenteerime. | - We're still experimenting. |
Boone oleks Dameki juurde läinud ja öelnud, et eksperimenteerime tema inimeste peal... | Boone gets to Domic, tells him we've been experimenting on his people. |
Me eksperimenteerime inimeste tundmisega. | We are an experiment in human nature. |
Me eksperimenteerime ravimitega, et luua pettekujutelmi hiilgusest. | We are experimenting a drug to create delusions of grandeur. |
Ehk järgmisele tüdrukule, kellega eksperimenteerite. | You might want them for the next girl you pick up to experiment on. |
Me tahame seda kraami, millega te eksperimenteerite. | We want some of that stuff you're experimenting with. |
Millega te siin eksperimenteerite? | What are you people experimenting with up here? |
Arstid eksperimenteerivad alati. | - Doctors experiment all the time. |
Kas nad eksperimenteerivad sinuga? | Did they experiment on you? |
Nagu laps hoolitseb akvaariumikeskkonna eest - oleme meie nagu laborirotid elades kogu elu - iial vaidlustamata puuri piire või teadlasi, kes meiega eksperimenteerivad. | Just as a child maintains the environment of a fishtank, - we are like lab-rats living out our entire existence, - never questioning the confines of the cage or the scientists who experiment on us. |
Me ei eksperimenteeri laste peal. | We are not experimenting on children. |
Sa ei eksperimenteeri Olivia peal, ning pealegi ... | You're not experimenting on olivia, and besides- |
Ma eksperimenteerisin ja lõpetasin. | I experimented and I stopped. |
Ma eksperimenteerisin poisiga. | I experimented on him. |
Võib-olla ma eksperimenteerisin mõne parameetriga. | I MAY,... have experimented with a few options. |
Ja siis nad eksperimenteerisid lastega. | And so they experimented on kids. |
Kas arvad, et nad eksperimenteerisid ka? | You think they experimented? |
Kõik Iidsed, kes eksperimenteerisid selle seadmega, kas said ülestõusnuks, või surid. | The Ancients that experimented with that device either Ascended or died. |
Ja ta eksperimenteeris kanepiga. | And he experimented with cannabis. |
Mõtle Sajajalgse programmile, kuidas ta eksperimenteeris süütute inimestega, kuidas ta röövis ja piinas Coulsonit, kuidas ta käskis Quinnil sind tulistada. | Think about the Centipede program, how he experimented on innocent people like Mike Peterson, how he kidnapped and tortured Coulson, how he ordered Quinn to shoot you. |
Olete see mees, kes meiega eksperimenteeris. | You're the man That experimented on us. |
Ta eksperimenteeris naudingutega. Sündis uus Marietta. | She experimented with exotic pleasures, a new Marietta was born. |
Kaua aega tagasi eksperimenteerisime gaasirelvadega. | Long ago, we experimented with gas weapons. |
Kõikidest lastest, keda William Bell ning mina eksperimenteerisime, olid sina esimene, kes nägi asju teiselt poolt. | Of the children that William Bell and I experimented on, you were the first to identify things from the other side. |
Me eksperimenteerisime. | We experimented. |
Te eksperimenteerisite vangide peal? | You experimented on prisoners? |
Ütlesid, et sina ja Bell ei teinud kunagi nimekirja lastest, kelle peal eksperimenteerisite. | Never kept a list of the children That you experimented on. I didn't. |
Me ei eksperimenteeri laste peal. | We are not experimenting on children. |
Nad ei eksperimenteeri ainult loomade peal. | They're doing things, experiments not just on animals. |
Nad ei eksperimenteeri ainult loomadega. | They're not just experimenting with animals. |
- Sa tahad temaga eksperimenteerima hakata juba enne diagnoosi panekut? | You want to experiment on him before we have a diagnosis? |
Ilma tema vereproovita pean ma uuesti eksperimenteerima hakkama. | Without a sample of her blood, I will have to begin my experiment again. |
Ja siis ma hakkasin eksperimenteerima. | And so I... started to experiment. |
- Jah, ja ma leidsin, et täna vajadust eksperimenteerida ... | - Yeah, and I found that today, the need to experiment... |
Aastate pikkuseid uurimustöid ja sadu patsiente, kelle peal eksperimenteerida. | It would take years. Years of research, experiments on hundreds of pacien?i. |
Aastatepikkuseid uurimistöid ja sadu patsiente, kelle peal eksperimenteerida. | - Years. Years of research. Hundreds of patients to experiment on. |
Kuningliku Ühingu koosolekul kandis ta ette, et ta laevakaptenist sõber olla nii tihti sellega eksperimenteerinud, et kartusteks pole mingit põhjust, küll aga võib see naerma ajada. | He reported to a meeting of the Royal Society that a sea captain friend of his, quote, "had so often experimented with it that there is no cause of fear, though possibly there may be of laughter." |
Ainult mina leian Fantoomtsooni põgenikud. Ja peatada Lex eksperimenteerimast võimetega inimestega. | I'm the only one who can round up the prisoners from the phantom zone and stop lex from experimenting on people with abilities. |