Beth allkirjastas need annetuse ankeedid ja elava tahtmise juures. | Beth signed the donation forms and a living will. |
Mul on kõik ankeedid olemas ja teeme kõik, et te isa koju tuleks. | I have all your forms so we'll do what we can to bring your dad home. |
Hästi, ma võiks helistada Maryle hotelli ... ja ta loeks mulle ankeedi ette. | Well, I could call Mary down at the hotel... and have her read me the registration. |
Hästi, ma võiks helistada Maryle hotelli... ja ta loeks mulle ankeedi ette. | Well, I could call Mary down at the hotel... and have her read me the registration. |
Mis ankeedi? | I don't understand. What policy? |
Saadan teile ankeedi. | OK. Er, I'll send you non-specific documentation. |