Esperjenza (to experience) conjugation

25 examples

Conjugation of esperjenza

Imperative mood
Imperfect tense
I am experiencing
you are experiencing
he is experiencing
she is experiencing
we are experiencing
you all are experiencing
they are experiencing
Perfect tense
I have experienced
you have experienced
he has experienced
she has experienced
we have experienced
you all have experienced
they have experienced

Examples of esperjenza

Example in MalteseTranslation in English
" (a) Bord tat-Tmexxija magħmul minn membri ta’ livell għoli b’esperjenza fl-edukazzjoni għolja, ir-riċerka, l-innovazzjoni u n-negozju." (a) a Governing Board composed of high-level members experienced in higher education, research, innovation and business.
( b ) Il-President , il-Viċi-President u l-membri l-oħra tal-Bord Esekuttiv għandhom jinħatru minn fost persuni ta » pożizzjoni rikonoxxuta u esperjenza professjonali fi kwistjonijiet monetarji jew bankarji , bi ftehim komuni talgvernijiet tal-Istati Membri fil-livell ta » Kapijiet ta » Stat jew Gvern , fuq rakkomandazzjoni tal-Kunsill wara li jkun ġie kkonsultat il-Parlament Ewropew u l-Kunsill Governattiv tal-BĊE .( b ) The President , the Vice-President and the other members of the Executive Board shall be appointed from among persons of recognised standing and professional experience in monetary or banking matters by common accord of the governments of the Member States at the level of Heads of State or Government , on a recommendation from the Council , after it has consulted the European Parliament and the Governing Council of the ECB .
( b ) ir-reputazzjoni u l-esperjenza ta » kwalunkwe persuna li se tidderieġi n-negozju ta » l-impriża ta » l-assigurazzjoni b' riżultat ta » l-akkwist propost ;( b ) the reputation and experience of any person who will direct the business of the assurance undertaking as a result of the proposed acquisition ;
( b ) ir-reputazzjoni u l-esperjenza ta » kwalunkwe persuna li se tidderieġi n-negozju ta » l-impriża tar-rijassigurazzjoni b' riżultat ta » l-akkwist propost ;( b ) the reputation and experience of any person who will direct the business of the reinsurance undertaking as a result of the proposed acquisition ;
Fl-osservazzjonijiet tagħha tat-2 ta' Novembru 2009, Télévision Française 1 (TF 1), tpoġġi r-riforma tal-finanzjament ta' France Télévisions f'kuntest ta' bidliet strutturali li jaffettwaw is-suq pubbliċitarju, fejn l-Internet qed jesperjenza tkabbir b'saħħtu.In its comments of 2 November 2009, Télévision Française 1 (TF1) relocates the reform of the financing of France Télévisions in a context of structural changes affecting the advertising market, in which the Internet is experiencing strong growth.
Jekk, fuq il-bażi tar-reviżjoni fil-fond msemmija fl-Artikolu 5, il-Kummissjoni tqis li Stat Membru qed jesperjenza żbilanċi, din għandha tinforma b’dan lill-Parlament Ewropew, lill-Kunsill u lill-grupp tal-Euro kif meħtieġ.If, on the basis of the in-depth review referred to in Article 5, the Commission considers that a Member State is experiencing imbalances, it shall inform the European Parliament, the Council and the Eurogroup accordingly.
Minħabba ċ-ċirkustanzi eċċezzjonali u d-diffikultajiet prattiċi li qed jesperjenza is-suq tal-laħam tal-majjal Irlandiż, il-Kummissjoni adottat ir-Regolament (KE) Nru 1278/2008 tas-17 ta' Diċembru 2008 li jaddotta miżuri għall-appoġġ ta' emerġenza għas-suq tal-laħam tal-majjal fil-forma ta’ għajnuna għall-ħżin privat fl-Irlanda [2].Given the exceptional circumstances and the practical difficulties that the pigmeat market in Ireland is experiencing, the Commission adopted Regulation (EC) No 1278/2008 of 17 December 2008 adopting emergency support measures for the pigmeat market in form of private storage aid in Ireland [2].
Minħabba ċ-ċirkustanzi eċċezzjonali u d-diffikultajiet prattiċi li qed jesperjenza s-suq tal-majjal fl-Irlanda u fl-Irlanda ta’ Fuq, il-Kummissjoni adottat ir-Regolament (KE) Nru 1278/2008 tas-17 ta’ Diċembru 2008 li jadotta miżuri għall-appoġġ ta’ emerġenza għas-suq tal-majjal fil-forma ta’ għajnuna għall-ħżin privat fl-Irlanda [2] u r-Regolament (KE) Nru 1329/2008 tat-22 ta’ Diċembru 2008 li jadotta miżuri għall-appoġġ ta’ emerġenza għas-suq tal-majjal fil-forma ta’ għajnuna għall-ħżin privat f’parti mir-Renju Unit [3].Given the exceptional circumstances and the practical difficulties that the pigmeat market in Ireland and Northern Ireland is experiencing, the Commission adopted Regulation (EC) No 1278/2008 of 17 December 2008 adopting emergency support measures for the pigmeat market in form of private storage aid in Ireland [2] and Regulation (EC) No 1329/2008 of 22 December 2008 adopting emergency support measures for the pigmeat market in form of private storage aid in part of the United Kingdom [3].
Stat Membru li l-munita tiegħu tkun l-euro għandu jkun soġġett għal sorveljanza msaħħa taħt dan ir-Regolament meta jesperjenza jew ikun mhedded minn diffikultajiet finanzjarji gravi, bil-ħsieb li jiġi żgurat treġġigħ lura malajr għan-normalità u li jiġu protetti l-Istati Membri l-oħra taż-żona tal-euro kontra riperkussjonijiet potenzjalment negattivi.A Member State whose currency is the euro should be subject to enhanced surveillance under this Regulation when it is experiencing or is threatened with serious financial difficulties, with a view to ensuring its swift return to a normal situation and to protecting the other euro area Member States against potential adverse spill-over effects.
B'mod partikolari, ċerti Stati Membri qed jesperjenzaw diffikultajiet serji jew huma mhedda b'diffikultajiet bħal dawn, notevolment dwar problemi fit-tkabbir ekonomiku u l-istabilità finanzjarja tagħhom, u b'deterjorament f'dak li hu defiċit u dejn tagħhom, grazzi wkoll għall-ambjent ekonomiku u finanzjarju internazzjonali.In particular, certain Member States are experiencing serious difficulties or are threatened with such difficulties, notably with problems concerning their economic growth and financial stability and with a deterioration in their deficit and debt position, also due to the international economic and financial environment.
B'mod partikolari, ċerti Stati Membri qed jesperjenzaw diffikultajiet serji jew huma mhedda b'diffikultajiet bħal dawn, partikolarment bi problemi fit-tkabbir ekonomiku u l-istabilità finanzjarja tagħhom, u b'deterjorament fil-pożizzjoni tad-defiċit u d-dejn tagħhom, b'riżultat ukoll tal-ambjent ekonomiku u finanzjarju internazzjonali.In particular, certain Member States are experiencing serious difficulties or are threatened with such difficulties, in particular with problems in their economic growth and financial stability and with a deterioration in their deficit and debt position, also as a result of the international economic and financial environment.
B’mod partikulari, ċerti Stati Membri qed jesperjenzaw jew jinsabu mhedda minn diffikultajiet serji, b’mod speċifiku dawk konnessi ma’ problemi fit-tkabbir ekonomiku u fl-istabbiltà finanzjarja tagħhom, u minn deterjorament fil-qagħda tad-defiċit u tad-dejn tagħhom, minħabba s-sitwazzjoni ekonomika u finanzjarja dinjija.In particular, certain Member States are experiencing, or are threatened with, serious difficulties, notably those connected with problems in their economic growth and financial stability and with a deterioration in their deficit and debt position, due to the international economic and financial environment.
Diġà hemm sal-lum 85 reġjun ta’ l-UE – l-aktar fl-Istati Membri l-ġodda – li qegħdin jesperjenzaw tnaqqis assolut l-popolazzjoni, u 76 reġjun ieħor li qegħdin iżommu l-popolazzjoni tagħhom kif inhi minħabba l-immigrazzjoni.Already today, 85 EU regions – mainly in the new Member States – are experiencing absolute population decline, and another 76 maintain population growth only thanks to migration.
Ir-Regolament (UE) Nru 407/2010 jipprovdi għall-possibbiltà ta’ assistenza finanzjarja fil-forma ta’ self jew linji ta’ kreditu mill-Unjoni lil Stati Membri li qed jesperjenzaw, jew huma serjament mhedda minn, disturbi ekonomiċi jew finanzjarji severi kkawżati minn okkorrenzi li m’għandhomx kontroll fuqhom u li tingħata permezz ta’ deċiżjoni tal-Kunsill tal-Unjoni Ewropea.Regulation (EU) No 407/2010 provides for possible Union financial assistance to Member States which are experiencing, or are seriously threatened with, a severe economic or financial disturbance caused by exceptional occurrences beyond their control in the form of loans or credit lines to be granted by a decision of the Council of the European Union.
Għid lit- tabib tiegħek jekk fil- passat esperjenzajt xi problemi ta ’ saħħa wara l- amministrazjoni ta ’ vaċċin.Tell your doctor if you have experienced any health problems after previous administration of a vaccine.
"Tagħmir tal-għadd taċ-ċiklu tal-istartjar" tfisser apparat għall-għadd li jindika n-numru ta’ ċikli ta’ startjar li tkun esperjenzat vettura;"Ignition cycle counter" means a counter indicating the number of engine starts a vehicle has experienced;
Barra minn hekk, Asker tinstab viċin Oslo u esperjenzat tkabbir kontinwu fil-popolazzjoni, xi ħaġa li normalment tinfluwenza l-prezzijiet tal-proprjetà b’mod pożittiv.Furthermore, Asker is located close to Oslo and has experienced a continuous growth in population, something that would usually influence property prices positively.
Il-counter taċ-ċikli tal-ignixin huwa counter li jindika n-numru ta’ startjar tal-magna li tkun esperjenzat vettura.The ignition cycle counter is a counter indicating the number of engine starts a vehicle has experienced.
Jekk il- persuna li għandha tieħu t- tilqima esperjenzat xi waħda minn dawn li ġejjin, kellem lit- tabib jew lill- ispiżjar tiegħek qabel ma jingħata M- M- RVAXPRO:Take special care with M-M-RVAXPRO If the person to be vaccinated has experienced any of the following, talk to the doctor or pharmacist before M-M-RVAXPRO is given:
Jekk il- persuna li għandha tieħu t- tilqima esperjenzat xi waħda minn dawn li ġejjin, kellem lit- tabib jew lill- ispiżjar tiegħek qabel ma jingħata ProQuad:If the person to be vaccinated has experienced any of the following, talk to the doctor or pharmacist before ProQuad is given:
12 Pazjenti li esperjenzaw bronkospażmu, rinite akuta, qarnita nasali, edema anġjonewrotika, urtikarja jew reazzjonijiet tat- tip allerġiċi wara t- teħid ta ’ acetylsalicylic acid jew NSAIDs inkluż inibituri COX- 2 (cyclooxygenase- 2).12 Patients who have experienced bronchospasm, acute rhinitis, nasal polyps, angioneurotic oedema, urticaria, or allergic-type reactions after taking acetylsalicylic acid or NSAIDs including COX-2 (cyclooxygenase-2) inhibitors.
Desensitizzazzjoni tal- velenu tan- naħal jew taż- żunżan Xi minn daqqiet, pazjenti li kienu qed jirċievu impedituri ta ’ l- ACE waqt desensitizzazzjoni minn velenu ta ’ Hymenoptera (eż. żunżan, naħal) esperjenzaw reazzjonijiet anafilattojdi.Bee/ wasp venom desensitization Occasionally, patients receiving ACE inhibitors during desensitization with Hymenoptera (e. g. wasp, bee) venom have experienced anaphylactoid reactions.
Fl-istess ħin, din l-istampa negattiva hija mitigata mill-fatt li l-biċċa l-kbira ta’ dawn l-indikaturi esperjenzaw żvilupp pożittiv bejn 2009 u l-PI (2010).At the same time this negative picture is mitigated by the fact that most of these indicators have experienced positive development between 2009 and the IP (2010).
Fuq livell nazzjonali, il-Greċja, Spanja, l-Irlanda u l-Portugall – l-akbar beneċjarji talPolitika ta’ Koeżjoni fis-snin riċenti – esperjenzaw tkabbir sinjikanti.At national level, Greece, Spain, Ireland and Portugal – the largest beneficiaries of Cohesion Policy in recent years – have experienced significant growth.
Huma esperjenzaw sfidi relatati mad-disponibbiltà tal-kreditu u s-saħħa finanzjarja tal-kumpaniji tagħhom f' portafoll .They have experienced challenges relating to the availability of credit and the financial health of their portfolio companies .

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