Membenci (to hate) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of membenci

Present tense
I hate
Past tense
sudah membenci
I hated
Present perfect tense
sudah membenci
I have hated
Future perfect tense
akan sudah membenci
I will have hated
Future recent tense
membenci nanti
I will hate
Future distant tense
membenci kelak
I am going to hate
Present continuous tense
sedang membenci
I hate
Past distant tense
dulu membenci
I (a long time ago) hated
Past recent tense
membenci tadi
I (recently) hated
Past very recent tense
baru saja membenci
I (just now) hated

Examples of membenci

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Kami membenci kalian .We hate you guys.
Sebuah tornado yang membenci komputer.A tornado that hates computers.
Saya telah mencoba membuatnya seperti saya, tetapi ia hanya menggonggong dan menggeram, ia membenci saya.I've tried to get him to like me, but he just barks and growls, he hates me.
Jadi aku tidak bisa membenci paman.So I won't hate you.
Dia tidak membenci polisi.She doesn't hate cops.

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